Skype Chinese Class - HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) or the Chinese Proficiency Test

Skype Chinese Class - New HSK Vocabulary Lists

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Skype Chinese Class - New HSK Vocabulary Lists 6-1 New HSK Level 6 PART 1

序号 词汇 繁体 拼音 英文翻译 词性
1 哎哟 哎喲 ai1yo5 ow auxiliary
2 ai2 to suffer verb
3 癌症 癌症 ai2zheng4 cancer noun
4 爱不释手 愛不釋手 ai4bu4shi4shou3 to love something too much to part with it verb
5 爱戴 愛戴 ai4dai4 to love and esteem verb
6 暧昧 曖昧 ai4mei4 ambiguous adjective
7 安居乐业 安居樂業 an1ju1le4ye4 to live and work in peace and contentment verb
8 安宁 安寧 an1ling2 peaceful adjective
9 安详 安詳 an1xiang2 serene adjective
10 安置 安置 an1zhi4 to arrange for verb
11 案件 案件 an4jian4 law case noun
12 案例 案例 an4li4 case noun
13 按摩 按摩 an4mo2 to massage verb
14 暗示 暗示 an4shi4 to drop a hint verb
15 昂贵 昂貴 ang2gui4 expensive adjective
16 凹凸 凹凸 ao1tu1 concave-convex adjective
17 ao2 to simmer verb
18 奥秘 奧秘 ao4mi4 mystery noun
19 ba1 scar noun
20 ba1 to dig up, to cling to verb
21 巴不得 巴不得 ba1bu5de2 to earnestly wish verb
22 巴结 巴結 ba1jie5 to fawn on verb
23 揠苗助长 揠苗助長 ya4miao2zhu4zhang3 too much zeal spoil all verb
24 把关 把關 ba3guan3 to guard a pass verb
25 把手 把手 ba3shou5 knob noun
26 把戏 把戲 ba3xi4 trick noun
27 霸道 霸道 ba4dao4 overbearing adjective
28 罢工 罷工 ba4gong1 strike noun
29 bai1 to break with both hands verb
30 百分点 百分點 bai3fen1dian3 percentage point noun
31 摆脱 擺脫 bai3tuo1 to get rid of verb
32 拜访 拜訪 bai4fang3 to visit verb
33 败坏 敗壞 bai4huai4 to corrupt verb
34 拜年 拜年 bai4nian2 to wish sb a Happy New Year verb
35 拜托 拜託 bai4tuo1 to request verb
36 版本 版本 ban1ben3 version noun
37 颁布 頒佈 ban1bu4 to issue verb
38 斑纹 斑紋 ban1wen3 stripe noun
39 伴侣 伴侶 ban4lv3 partner noun
40 伴随 伴隨 ban4sui2 to accompany verb
41 半途而废 半途而廢 ban4tu2er2fei4 to give up halfway verb
42 扮演 扮演 ban4yan3 to play a role of verb
43 绑架 綁架 bang3jia4 to kidnap verb
44 榜样 榜樣 bang3yang4 model noun
45 保重 保重 bang3zhong4 to take care of oneself verb
46 bang4 pounds classifier
47 包庇 包庇 bao1bi4 to harbor verb
48 包袱 包袱 bao1fu5 burden noun
49 包围 包圍 bao1wei2 to surround verb
50 包装 包裝 bao1zhuang1 package noun
51 保管 保管 bao3guan3 to take care of verb
52 饱和 飽和 bao3he2 saturated adjective
53 饱经沧桑 飽經滄桑 bao3jing1cang1sang1 to have experienced many vicissitudes of life verb
54 保密 保密 bao3mi4 to keep secret verb
55 保姆 保姆 bao3mu3 nanny noun
56 保守 保守 bao3shou3 conservative adjective
57 保卫 保衛 bao3wei4 to defend verb
58 保养 保養 bao3yang3 to maintain verb
59 保障 保障 bao3zhang4 to ensure verb
60 报仇 報仇 bao4chou2 to revenge verb
61 报酬 報酬 bao4chou5 remuneration noun
62 报答 報答 bao4da2 to repay verb
63 报到 報到 bao4dao4 report for duty verb
64 爆发 爆發 bao4fa1 to outbreak verb
65 抱负 抱負 bao4fu5 aspiration noun
66 报复 報復 bao4fu5 to revenge verb
67 曝光 曝光 bao4guang1 to exposure verb
68 暴力 暴力 bao4li4 violence noun
69 暴露 暴露 bao4lu4 to expose verb
70 报社 報社 bao4she4 newspaper office noun
71 报销 報銷 bao4xiao1 to submit  an expense account verb
72 抱怨 抱怨 bao4yuan4 to complain verb
73 爆炸 爆炸 bao4zha4 explosion noun
74 悲哀 悲哀 bei1ai1 sorrow noun
75 卑鄙 卑鄙 bei1bi3 despicable adjective
76 悲惨 悲慘 bei1can3 tragic adjective
77 北极 北極 bei3ji2 Arctic noun
78 被动 被動 bei4dong4 passive adjective
79 备份 備份 bei4fen4 duplication noun
80 被告 被告 bei4gao4 defendant noun
81 贝壳 貝殼 bei4ke2 shell noun
82 背叛 背叛 bei4pan4 to betray verb
83 背诵 背誦 bei4song4 to recite verb
84 备忘录 備忘錄 bei4wang4lu4 memorandum noun
85 奔波 奔波 ben1bo1 to rush about verb
86 奔驰 奔馳 ben1chi2 to run quickly verb
87 本能 本能 ben3neng2 instinct noun
88 本钱 本錢 ben3qian2 capital noun
89 本人 本人 ben3ren2 myself pronouns
90 本身 本身 ben3shen1 itself pronouns
91 本事 本事 ben3shi5 ability noun
92 本着 本著 ben3zhe5 in line with preposition
93 笨拙 笨拙 ben4zhuo1 clumsy adjective
94 崩溃 崩潰 beng1kui4 to collapse verb
95 beng2 do not adverb
96 beng4 to jump verb
97 迸发 迸發 beng4fa1 to burst forth verb
98 逼迫 逼迫 bi1po4 to force verb
99 鼻涕 鼻涕 bi2ti4 snivel noun
100 比方 比方 bi3fang1 instance noun
101 比喻 比喻 bi3yu4 analogy noun
102 比重 比重 bi3zhong4 proportion noun
103 bi4 arm noun
104 弊病 弊病 bi4bing4 drawback noun
105 必定 必定 bi4ding4 to be bound to verb
106 弊端 弊端 bi4duan1 malpractice noun
107 闭塞 閉塞 bi4se4 blocking adjective
108 碧玉 碧玉 bi4yu4 jasper noun
109 鞭策 鞭策 bian1ce4 to spur on verb
110 边疆 邊疆 bian1jiang1 frontier noun
111 边界 邊界 bian1jie4 border noun
112 边境 邊境 bian1jing4 borderland noun
113 边缘 邊緣 bian1yuan4 edge noun
114 编织 編織 bian1zhi1 to plait verb
115 bian3 flat adjective
116 贬低 貶低 bian3di1 to depreciate verb
117 贬义 貶義 bian3yi4 derogatory sense noun
118 遍布 遍佈 bian4bu4 to be found everywhere verb
119 变故 變故 bian4gu4 misfortune noun
120 辩护 辯護 bian4hu4 defense noun
121 辩解 辯解 bian4jie3 to defend verb
122 便利 便利 bian4li4 convenient adjective
123 变迁 變遷 bian4qian1 vicissitudes noun
124 辨认 辨認 bian4ren4 to identify verb
125 便条 便條 bian4tiao2 note noun
126 便于 便於 bian4yu2 to be convenient for verb
127 辩证 辯證 bian4zheng4 dialectics noun
128 变质 變質 bian4zhi4 to go bad verb
129 辫子 辮子 bian4zi5 pigtail noun
130 标本 標本 biao1ben3 specimen noun
131 标记 標記 biao1ji4 mark noun
132 飙升 飆升 biao1sheng1 to rise violently verb
133 标题 標題 biao1ti2 title noun
134 表决 表決 biao3jue2 to vote verb
135 表态 表態 biao3tai4 to make known sb's position verb
136 表彰 表彰 biao3zhang1 to commend verb
137 bie1 to hold verb
138 别致 別致 bie2zhi4 unique adjective
139 别墅 別墅 bie2shu4 villa noun
140 别扭 彆扭 bie4niu5 awkward adjective
141 濒临 瀕臨 bin1lin2 to be on the verge of verb
142 冰雹 冰雹 bing1bao2 hail noun
143 并存 並存 bing4cun2 to coexist verb
144 并非 並非 bing4fei1 not adverb
145 并列 並列 bing4lie4 to parallel verb
146 拨打 撥打 bo1da3 to call verb
147 播放 播放 bo1fang4 to broadcast verb
148 波浪 波浪 bo1lang4 wave noun
149 波涛汹涌 波濤洶湧 bo1tao1xiong1yong4 waves running high adjective
150 剥削 剝削 bo1xue1 to exploit verb
151 播种 播種 bo1zhong4 to sow verb
152 博大精深 博大精深 bo2da4jing1shen1 broad and profound adjective
153 搏斗 搏鬥 bo2dou4 to fight verb
154 博览会 博覽會 bo2lan3hui4 fair noun
155 伯母 伯母 bo2mu3 auntie noun
156 薄弱 薄弱 bo2ruo4 weak adjective
157 不顾 不顧 bu4gu4 to disregard verb
158 不愧 不愧 bu4kui4 to be worthy of verb
159 不料 不料 bu4liao4 unexpectedly adverb
160 不像话 不像話 bu4xiang4hua4 unreasonable adjective
161 不屑一顾 不屑一顧 bu4xie4yi1gu4 to be beneath one's notice verb
162 补偿 補償 bu3chang2 to compensate verb
163 补救 補救 bu3jiu4 to remedy verb
164 哺乳 哺乳 bu3ru3 to suckle verb
165 补贴 補貼 bu3tie1 allowance noun
166 捕捉 捕捉 bu3zhuo1 to catch verb
167 不得已 不得已 bu4de2yi3 to act against one's will verb
168 步伐 步伐 bu4fa2 step noun
169 不妨 不妨 bu4fang2 may as well adverb
170 不敢当 不敢當 bu4gan3dang1 you flatter me verb
171 布告 佈告 bu4gao4 notice noun
172 不禁 不禁 bu4jin1 can't help doing verb
173 布局 佈局 bu4ju2 composition noun
174 不堪 不堪 bu4kan1 can't bear verb
175 不可思议 不可思議 bu4ke3si1yi4 inconceivable adjective
176 不时 不時 bu4shi2 at times adverb
177 部署 部署 bu4shu3 to deploy verb
178 部位 部位 bu4wei4 part noun
179 不惜 不惜 bu4xi1 to not stint verb
180 不相上下 不相上下 bu4xiang1shang4xia4 all square adverb
181 不言而喻 不言而喻 bu4yan2er2yu4 to speak for itself verb
182 不由得 不由得 bu4you2de5 can’t help verb
183 不择手段 不擇手段 bu4ze2shou3duan4 by hook or by crook verb
184 不止 不止 bu4zhi3 more than preposition
185 布置 佈置 bu4zhi4 collocation noun
186 裁缝 裁縫 cai2feng5 dressmaker noun
187 财富 財富 cai2fu4 treasure noun
188 才干 才幹 cai2gan4 ability noun
189 裁判 裁判 cai2pan4 judge noun
190 财务 財務 cai2wu4 financial affairs noun
191 裁员 裁員 cai2yuan2 to cut staff verb
192 财政 財政 cai2zheng2 finance noun
193 采购 採購 cai3gou4 to purchase verb
194 采集 採集 cai3ji2 to collect verb
195 采纳 採納 cai3na4 to adopt verb
196 彩票 彩票 cai3piao4 lottery noun
197 参谋 參謀 can1mou5 to give advice verb
198 参照 參照 can1zhao4 to refer to verb
199 残酷 殘酷 can2ku4 cruel adjective
200 残留 殘留 can2liu2 to remain verb
201 残忍 殘忍 can2ren3 barbarity noun
202 灿烂 燦爛 can4lan4 effulgent adjective
203 cang1 cabin noun
204 苍白 蒼白 cang1bai2 pale adjective
205 仓促 倉促 cang1cu4 hasty adjective
206 仓库 倉庫 cang1ku4 storehouse noun
207 操劳 操勞 cao1lao2 to work hard verb
208 操练 操練 cao1lian4 to be proficient in verb
209 嘈杂 嘈雜 cao1za2 noisy adjective
210 操纵 操縱 cao1zong4 to control verb
211 操作 操作 cao1zuo4 to operate verb
212 草案 草案 cao3an4 draft noun
213 草率 草率 cao3shuai4 curt adjective
214 策划 策劃 ce4hua4 to plot verb
215 测量 測量 ce4liang2 to measure verb
216 策略 策略 ce4lue4 strategy noun
217 侧面 側面 ce4mian4 flank noun
218 层出不穷 層出不窮 ceng2chu1bu4qiong2 to emerge in endless verb
219 层次 層次 ceng2ci4 layer noun
220 刹车 刹車 cha1che1 to brake verb
221 差距 差距 cha1ju4 disparity noun
222 查获 查獲 cha2ju4 to hunt down and seize verb
223 cha4 to branch in a road verb
224 刹那 刹那 cha4na4 at the moment preposition
225 诧异 詫異 cha4yi4 surprise noun
226 柴油 柴油 chai2you2 diesel oil noun
227 chan1 to mingle verb
228 chan2 greedy adjective
229 缠绕 纏繞 chan2rao4 to enlace verb
230 阐述 闡述 chan3shu4 to expatiate verb
231 产业 產業 chan3ye4 property noun
232 颤抖 顫抖 chan4dou3 to quiver verb
233 猖狂 倡狂 chang1kuang2 savage adjective
234 昌盛 昌盛 chang1sheng4 prosperous adjective
235 偿还 償還 chang2huan2 to refund verb
236 常年 常年 chang2nian2 the entire year adverb
237 尝试 嘗試 chang2shi4 to attempt verb
238 常务 常務 chang2wu4 routine noun
239 场合 場合 chang3he2 occasion noun
240 场面 場面 chang3mian4 scene noun
241 场所 場所 chang3suo3 concourse noun
242 倡导 宣導 chang4dao3 to advocate verb
243 畅通 暢通 chang4tong1 unblocked adjective
244 畅销 暢銷 chang4xiao1 to sell well verb
245 倡议 倡議 chang4yi4 to sponsor verb
246 超级 超級 chao1ji2 super adjective
247 钞票 鈔票 chao1piao4 paper money noun
248 超越 超越 chao1yue4 to exceed verb
249 潮流 潮流 chao2liu2 tide noun
250 潮湿 潮濕 chao2shi1 humid adjective
251 嘲笑 嘲笑 chao2xiao4 to laugh at verb
252 撤退 撤退 che4tui4 to beat a retreat verb
253 撤销 撤銷 che4xiao1 to withdraw verb
254 沉淀 沉澱 chen2dian4 deposit noun
255 陈旧 陳舊 chen2jiu4 obsolete adjective
256 陈列 陳列 chen2lie4 to display verb
257 沉闷 沉悶 chen2men4 tediousness noun
258 陈述 陳述 chen2shu4 to state verb
259 沉思 沉思 chen2si2 to contemplate verb
260 沉重 沉重 chen2zhong4 ponderosity noun
261 沉着 沉著 chen2zhuo2 calm and collected adjective
262 称心如意 稱心如意 chen4xin1ru2yi4 to have sth as one's wishes verb
263 称号 稱號 cheng1hao4 name noun
264 cheng2 orange noun
265 cheng2 to fill verb
266 承办 承辦 cheng2ban4 to undertake verb
267 承包 承包 cheng2bao1 to contract with verb
268 城堡 城堡 cheng2bao3 castle noun
269 成本 成本 cheng2ben3 cost noun
270 成交 成交 cheng2ben3 to strike a bargain verb
271 惩罚 懲罰 cheng2fa2 to punish verb
272 承诺 承諾 cheng2nuo4 to promise verb
273 澄清 澄清 cheng2qing1 to clarify verb
274 成天 成天 cheng2tian1 all the day adverb
275 乘务员 乘務員 cheng2wu4yuan2 trainman noun
276 呈现 呈現 cheng2xian4 to present verb
277 成效 成效 cheng2xiao4 effect noun
278 成心 成心 cheng2xin1 on purpose adverb
279 成员 成員 cheng2yuan2 member noun
280 诚挚 誠摯 cheng2zhi4 sincere adjective
281 cheng4 steelyard noun
282 吃苦 吃苦 chi1ku3 to have a rough time verb
283 吃力 吃力 chi1li4 labored adjective
284 迟缓 遲緩 chi2huan3 sluggish adjective
285 持久 持久 chi2jiu3 to perdure verb
286 池塘 池塘 chi2tang2 pool noun
287 迟疑 遲疑 chi2yi2 to hesitate verb
288 赤道 赤道 chi4dao4 equator noun
289 赤字 赤字 chi4zi4 red figure noun
290 充当 充當 chong1dang1 to act as verb
291 冲动 衝動 chong1dong4 impulsive adjective
292 冲击 衝擊 chong1ji1 to attack verb
293 充沛 充沛 chong1pei4 bountiful adjective
294 充实 充實 chong1shi2 to enrich verb
295 冲突 衝突 chong1tu1 to conflict verb
296 充足 充足 chong1zu2 abundant adjective
297 崇拜 崇拜 chong2bai4 to admire verb
298 重迭 重迭 chong2die2 overlapping adjective
299 崇高 崇高 chong2gao1 sublime adjective
300 崇敬 崇敬 chong2jing4 to esteem verb
301 重阳节 重陽節 chong2yang2jie2 The Double Ninth Festival noun
302 筹备 籌備 chou1bei4 to prepare verb
303 抽空 抽空 chou1kong4 to make time verb
304 踌躇 躊躇 chou2chu2 to hesitate verb
305 稠密 稠密 chou2mi4 dense adjective
306 丑恶 醜惡 chou3e4 ugly adjective
307 初步 初步 chu1bu4 preliminary adjective
308 出路 出路 chu1lu4 outlet noun
309 出卖 出賣 chu1mai4 to betray verb
310 出身 出身 chu1shen1 origin noun
311 出神 出神 chu1shen2 to be entranced verb
312 出息 出息 chu1xi5 promises noun
313 出洋相 出洋相 chu1yang2xiang4 to make a spectacle of oneself verb
314 储备 儲備 chu3bei4 to store verb
315 储存 儲存 chu3cun2 to store up verb
316 处分 處分 chu3fen4 to punish verb
317 处境 處境 chu3jing4 circumstance noun
318 储蓄 儲蓄 chu3xu4 savings noun
319 处置 處置 chu3zhi4 to handle verb
320 触犯 觸犯 chu4fan4 to offend verb
321 川流不息 川流不息 chuan1liu2bu4xi1 the stream never stops flowing verb
322 穿越 穿越 chuan1yue4 through preposition
323 船舶 船舶 chuan2bo2 boat noun
324 传达 傳達 chuan2da2 to convey verb
325 传单 傳單 chuan2dan1 leaflet noun
326 传授 傳授 chuan2shou4 to impart verb
327 喘气 喘氣 chuan3qi4 to breathe verb
328 chuan4 measure word measure word
329 床单 床單 chuang2dan1 bed sheet noun
330 创立 創立 chuang4li4 to fund verb
331 创新 創新 chuang4xin1 to innovate verb
332 创业 創業 chuang4ye4 to carve out verb
333 创作 創作 chuang4zuo4 to indite verb
334 吹牛 吹牛 chui1niu2 to boast verb
335 吹捧 吹捧 chui1peng3 to puffery verb
336 chui2 hammer noun
337 垂直 垂直 chui2zhi2 vertical adjective
338 纯粹 純粹 chun2cui4 pure adjective
339 纯洁 純潔 chun2jie2 pure adjective
340 词汇 詞彙 ci2hui4 vocabulary noun
341 慈祥 慈祥 ci2xiang2 kindly adjective
342 雌雄 雌雄 ci2xiong2 male and female noun
343 ci4 to stab verb
344 伺候 伺候 ci4hou5 to serve verb
345 次品 次品 ci4pin3 substandard products noun
346 次序 次序 ci4xu4 sequence noun
347 cong2 measure word measure word
348 从容不迫 從容不迫 cong2rong2bu4bo4 to take one's time verb
349 凑合 湊合 cou4he5 to scare up verb
350 粗鲁 粗魯 cu1lu3 rude adjective
351 cuan4 to flee verb
352 摧残 摧殘 cui1can2 to wreck verb
353 脆弱 脆弱 cui4ruo4 brittle adjective
354 cuo1 to rub verb
355 磋商 磋商 cuo1shang1 consultation noun
356 挫折 挫折 cuo4zhe2 throwback noun
357 da1 to build verb
358 搭档 搭檔 da1dang4 partner noun
359 搭配 搭配 da1pei4 collocation noun
360 答辩 答辯 da2bian4 to reply adverb
361 达成 達成 da2cheng2 to reach verb
362 答复 答覆 da2fu4 to reply verb
363 打包 打包 da3bao1 to pack verb
364 打架 打架 da3gu3 to fight verb
365 打官司 打官司 da3guan1si5 to go to court verb
366 打击 打擊 da3ji1 to beat verb
367 打量 打量 da3liang5 to get a load of verb
368 打猎 打獵 da3lie4 to hunt verb
369 打仗 打仗 da3zhang4 to fight (in the war) verb
370 大不了 大不了 da4bu5liao3 at the worst adverb
371 大臣 大臣 da4chen2 minister noun
372 大伙儿 大夥兒 da4huo3r5 everybody noun
373 大厦 大廈 da4sha4 mansion noun
374 大肆 大肆 da4si4 wantonly adverb
375 大体 大體 da4ti3 general adjective
376 大意 大意 da4yi4 to be reckless of verb
377 大致 大致 da4zhi4 approximately adverb
378 歹徒 歹徒 dai3tu2 evil person who commits crimes noun
379 逮捕 逮捕 dai4bu3 to arrest verb
380 代价 代價 dai4jia4 cost noun
381 贷款 貸款 dai4kuan3 loan noun
382 代理 代理 dai4li3 surrogate noun
383 带领 帶領 dai4ling3 to guide verb
384 怠慢 怠慢 dai4man4 remissness noun
385 担保 擔保 dan1bao3 to vouch for  verb
386 胆怯 膽怯 dan3qie4 timidity noun
387 蛋白质 蛋白質 dan4bai2zhi4 protein noun
388 诞辰 誕辰 dan4chen2 birthday noun
389 淡季 淡季 dan4ji4 a dead season noun
390 诞生 誕生 dan4sheng1 to be born verb
391 淡水 淡水 dan4shui3 fresh water noun
392 当场 當場 dang1chang3 on the spot adverb
393 当初 當初 dang1chu1 originally adverb
394 当面 當面 dang1mian4 face to face adverb
395 当前 當前 dang1qian2 currently adverb
396 当事人 當事人 dang1shi4ren2 litigant noun
397 当务之急 當務之急 dang1wu4zhi1ji2 urgent matter noun
398 当心 當心 dang1xin1 to be careful verb
399 当选 當選 dang1xuan3 to be elected verb
400 dang3 party noun

Skype Chinese Class - New HSK Vocabulary Lists 6-1 New HSK Level 6 PART 2

序号 词汇 繁体 拼音 英文翻译 词性
401 档案 檔案 dang4'an4 file noun
402 档次 檔次 dang4ci4 bracket noun
403 倒闭 倒閉 dao3bi4 to close down verb
404 导弹 導彈 dao3dan4 missile noun
405 稻谷 稻穀 dao4gu3 paddy noun
406 导航 導航 dao3hang2 navigation noun
407 捣乱 搗亂 dao3luan4 to make trouble verb
408 盗窃 盜竊 dao4qie4 to rap and rend verb
409 导向 導向 dao3xiang4 to lead to verb
410 岛屿 島嶼 dao3yu3 island noun
411 得不偿失 得不償失 de2bu4chang2shi1 to be not worth the candle verb
412 得力 得力 de2li4 competent adjective
413 得天独厚 得天獨厚 de2tian1du2hou4 to be richly endowed by nature verb
414 得罪 得罪 de2zui4 to offend verb
415 deng1 to pedal verb
416 灯笼 燈籠 deng1long5 lantern noun
417 登录 登錄 deng1lu4 to enter verb
418 登陆 登陸 deng1lu4 to land verb
419 等级 等級 deng3ji2 grade noun
420 deng4 to glare verb
421 堤坝 堤壩 di1ba4 dyke noun
422 敌视 敵視 di2shi4 to be hostile to verb
423 抵达 抵達 di3da2 to arrive at verb
424 抵抗 抵抗 di3kang4 to fight back verb
425 抵制 抵制 di3zhi4 to resist verb
426 地步 地步 di4bu4 condition noun
427 地势 地勢 di4shi4 topography noun
428 递增 遞增 di4zeng1 to increase progressively verb
429 地质 地質 di4zhi4 geology noun
430 颠簸 顛簸 dian1bu3 to bump verb
431 颠倒 顛倒 dian1dao3 to bottom up verb
432 雕塑 雕塑 diao1su4 sculpture noun
433 典礼 典禮 dian3li4 ceremony noun
434 典型 典型 dian3xing2 typical adjective
435 点缀 點綴 dian3zhui4 to intersperse verb
436 dian4 mat noun
437 奠定 奠定 dian4ding4 to establish verb
438 惦记 惦記 dian4ji5 to keep thinking about verb
439 电源 電源 dian4yuan2 electrical source noun
440 diao1 to hold in the mouth verb
441 雕刻 雕刻 diao1ke4 to carve verb
442 diao4 to suspend verb
443 调动 調動 diao4dong4 to transfer verb
444 die1 to tumble verb
445 ding1 to gaze at verb
446 叮嘱 叮囑 ding1zhu3 to exhort verb
447 定期 定期 ding4qi1 at regular intervals adverb
448 定义 定義 ding4yi4 definition noun
449 丢人 丟人 diu1ren2 to lose face verb
450 东道主 東道主 dong1dao4zhu3 host for a party noun
451 东张西望 東張西望 dong1zhang1xi1wang4 to gaze around verb
452 董事长 董事長 dong3shi4zhang3 board chairman noun
453 动荡 動盪 dong4dang4 upheaval noun
454 动机 動機 dong4ji1 incentive noun
455 冻结 凍結 dong4jie2 to freeze verb
456 动静 動靜 dong4jing5 movement noun
457 动力 動力 dong4li4 motivity noun
458 动脉 動脈 dong4mai4 artery noun
459 动身 動身 dong4shen1 to get off verb
460 动手 動手 dong4shou3 to get to work verb
461 动态 動態 dong4tai4 dynamic state noun
462 洞穴 洞穴 dong4xue2 cave noun
463 动员 動員 dong4yuan2 to mobilize verb
464 dou1 pocket noun
465 陡峭 陡峭 dou3qiao4 steep adjective
466 斗争 鬥爭 dou4zheng1 to strive verb
467 督促 督促 du1cu4 to supervise and urge verb
468 都市 都市 du1shi4 urban noun
469 独裁 獨裁 du2cai2 despotism noun
470 孤立 孤立 du2li4 independent adjective
471 毒品 毒品 du2pin3 narcotics noun
472 赌博 賭博 du3bo2 gambling noun
473 堵塞 堵塞 du3se4 to jam verb
474 杜绝 杜絕 du4jue2 to put an end to verb
475 duan1 end noun
476 端午节 端午節 duan1wu3jie2 dragon boat festival noun
477 端正 端正 duan1zheng4 proper adjective
478 短促 短促 duan3cu4 brief adjective
479 断定 斷定 duan4ding4 to conclude verb
480 断断续续 斷斷續續 duan4duan4xu4xu4 off and on adverb
481 断绝 斷絕 duan4jue2 to break off verb
482 堆积 堆積 dui1ji1 to accumulate verb
483 对策 對策 dui4ce4 countermeasure noun
484 对称 對稱 dui4chen4 symmetry noun
485 对付 對付 dui4fu5 to deal with verb
486 兑换 兌換 dui4huan4 to cash in verb
487 对抗 對抗 dui4kang4 antagonism noun
488 对立 對立 dui4li4 antinomy noun
489 对联 對聯 dui4lian2 a pair of scrolls containing a poetic couplet noun
490 队伍 隊伍 dui4wu5 troop noun
491 兑现 兌現 dui4xian4 to cash a check verb
492 对应 對應 dui4ying4 corresponding preposition
493 对照 對照 dui4zhao4 antitheses noun
494 顿时 頓時 dun4shi2 at once adverb
495 哆嗦 哆嗦 duo1suo5 to shiver verb
496 多元化 多元化 duo1yuan2hua4 diversification noun
497 堕落 墮落 duo4luo4 to corrupt verb
498 额外 額外 e2wai4 extra adverb
499 恶心 噁心 e3xin1 to loathe verb
500 恶化 惡化 e4hua4 to deteriorate verb
501 遏制 遏制 e4zhi4 to restrain verb
502 恩怨 恩怨 en1yuan4 feeling of gratitude of resentment noun
503 而已 而已 er2yi3 that's all auxiliary
504 耳环 耳環 er3huan3 earring noun
505 二氧化碳 二氧化碳 er4yang2hua4tan4 carbon dioxide noun
506 发布 發佈 fa1bu4 to issue verb
507 发财 發財 fa1cai2 to make a pile verb
508 发呆 發呆 fa1dai1 to stare blankly verb
509 发动 發動 fa1dong4 to launch verb
510 发火 發火 fa1huo3 to flare up verb
511 发行 發行 fa1xing2 to publish verb
512 发炎 發炎 fa1yan2 inflammation noun
513 发扬 發揚 fa1yang2 to carry forward verb
514 发觉 發覺 fa2jue2 to detect verb
515 发射 發射 fa2she4 to launch verb
516 发誓 發誓 fa2shi4 to take an oath verb
517 发育 發育 fa2yu2 upgrowth noun
518 法人 法人 fa3ren2 artificial person noun
519 fan1 measure word measure word
520 繁华 繁華 fan2hua2 flourishing adjective
521 繁忙 繁忙 fan2mang2 busy adjective
522 繁体字 繁體字 fan2ti3zi4 traditional Chinese characters noun
523 繁殖 繁殖 fan2zhi2 to breed verb
524 反常 反常 fan3chang2 abnormal adjective
525 反倒 反倒 fan3dao4 but on the contrary adverb
526 反动 反動 fan3dong4 counteraction noun
527 反感 反感 fan3gan3 antipathy noun
528 反抗 反抗 fan3kang4 to resist verb
529 回馈 回饋 fan3kui4 to feedback verb
530 反面 反面 fan3mian4 reverse side noun
531 反射 反射 fan3she4 to reflect verb
532 反思 反思 fan3si1 introspection noun
533 反问 反問 fan3wen4 rhetorical question noun
534 反之 反之 fan3zhi1 contrarily adverb
535 范畴 範疇 fan4chou2 category noun
536 泛滥 氾濫 fan4lan4 to overflow verb
537 贩卖 販賣 fan4mai4 to peddle verb
538 方言 方言 fang1yan2 dialect noun
539 方针 方針 fang1zhen1 policy noun
540 防守 防守 fang2shou3 to defend verb
541 防疫 防疫 fang2yi4 quarantine noun
542 防御 防禦 fang2yu4 defense noun
543 防止 防止 fang2zhi3 to avert verb
544 防治 防治 fang2zhi4 prevention and cure noun
545 纺织 紡織 fang3zhi1 textile noun
546 放大 放大 fang4da4 to magnify verb
547 放射 放射 fang4she4 radioactivity noun
548 放手 放手 fang4shou3 to let go verb
549 非法 非法 fei1fa3 illegal adjective
550 飞禽走兽 飛禽走獸 fei1qin2zou3shou4 birds and beats noun
551 飞翔 飛翔 fei1xiang2 to fly verb
552 飞跃 飛躍 fei1yue4 to overfly verb
553 肥沃 肥沃 fei2wu4 fertile adjective
554 诽谤 誹謗 fei3bang4 to slander verb
555 匪徒 匪徒 fei3tu2 mobster noun
556 废除 廢除 fei4chu2 to abolish verb
557 沸腾 沸騰 fei4teng2 to boil verb
558 废墟 廢墟 fei4xu1 ruin noun
559 分寸 分寸 fen1cun4 sense of propriety noun
560 吩咐 吩咐 fen1fu4 behest noun
561 分红 分紅 fen1hong2 dividend noun
562 分解 分解 fen1jie3 to break down verb
563 分裂 分裂 fen1lie4 abruption noun
564 分泌 分泌 fen1mi4 to secrete verb
565 分明 分明 fen1ming2 distinct adjective
566 分歧 分歧 fen1qi2 bifurcation noun
567 分散 分散 fen1san4 to disperse verb
568 分手 分手 fen1shou3 to break up verb
569 坟墓 墳墓 fen2mu4 grave noun
570 粉末 粉末 fen3mo4 powder noun
571 粉色 粉色 fen3se4 pink noun
572 粉碎 粉碎 fen3sui4 comminution noun
573 分量 分量 fen4liang4 component noun
574 风暴 風暴 feng1bao4 storm noun
575 封闭 封閉 feng1bi4 to obturate verb
576 风度 風度 feng1du4 grace noun
577 风光 風光 feng1guang1 sight noun
578 封建 封建 feng1jian4 feudalism noun
579 丰满 豐滿 feng1man3 plump adjective
580 风气 風氣 feng1qi4 common practice noun
581 风趣 風趣 feng1qu4 wit noun
582 丰盛 豐盛 feng1sheng3 sumptuous adjective
583 丰收 豐收 feng1shou1 bumper harvest noun
584 封锁 封鎖 feng1suo3 to blockade verb
585 风土人情 風土人情 feng1tu3ren2qing2 local customs noun
586 风味 風味 feng1wei4 zest noun
587 锋利 鋒利 feng1li4 sharp adjective
588 feng2 to meet verb
589 奉献 奉獻 feng4xian4 dedication noun
590 否决 否決 fou3jue2 to veto verb
591 夫人 夫人 fu1ren2 madam noun
592 敷衍 敷衍 fu1yan3 perfunctory adjective
593 幅度 幅度 fu2du4 range noun
594 符号 符號 fu2hao4 sign noun
595 福利 福利 fu2li4 welfare noun
596 俘虏 俘虜 fu2lu3 to captive verb
597 服气 服氣 fu2qi4 convinced adjective
598 福气 福氣 fu2qi4 felicity noun
599 辐射 輻射 fu2she4 radiation noun
600 腐败 腐敗 fu3bai4 corruption noun
601 腐烂 腐爛 fu3lan4 to decay verb
602 腐蚀 腐蝕 fu3shi2 to canker verb
603 腐朽 腐朽 fu3xiu3 to molder verb
604 抚养 撫養 fu3yang3 to bring up verb
605 俯仰 俯仰 fu3yang3 pitching noun
606 辅助 輔助 fu3zhu4 to assist verb
607 fu4 secondary adjective
608 负担 負擔 fu4dan1 burden noun
609 覆盖 覆蓋 fu4gai4 to cover verb
610 附和 附和 fu4he4 to echo verb
611 复活 復活 fu4huo2 to relive verb
612 附件 附件 fu4jian4 accessory noun
613 附属 附屬 fu4shu4 subsidiary adjective
614 腹泻 腹瀉 fu4xie4 diarrhea noun
615 复兴 復興 fu4xing1 revival noun
616 赋予 賦予 fu4yu3 to endow verb
617 富裕 富裕 fu4yu4 rich adjective
618 副作用 副作用 fu4zuo4yong4 side effect noun
619 改良 改良 gai3liang2 to amend verb
620 盖章 蓋章 gai4zhang1 to seal verb
621 干旱 乾旱 gan1han4 drought noun
622 尴尬 尷尬 gan1ga4 embarrassed adjective
623 干扰 干擾 gan1rao3 to disturb verb
624 干涉 干涉 gan1she4 to interfere verb
625 甘心 甘心 gan1xin1 willing adjective
626 干预 干預 gan1yu4 intervention noun
627 感慨 感慨 gan3kai3 feeling noun
628 感染 感染 gan3ran3 infection noun
629 干劲 幹勁 gan4jin4 energy noun
630 纲领 綱領 gang1ling3 program noun
631 港口 港口 gang3kou3 harbor noun
632 港湾 港灣 gang3wan1 harbor noun
633 岗位 崗位 gang3wei4 post noun
634 杠杆 杠杆 gang4gan3 lever noun
635 高超 高超 gao1chao1 superb adjective
636 高峰 高峰 gao1feng1 peak noun
637 高考 高考 gao1kao3 college entrance examination noun
638 高明 高明 gao1ming2 wise adjective
639 高尚 高尚 gao1shang4 nobility noun
640 高涨 高漲 gao1zhang3 to upsurge verb
641 稿件 稿件 gao3jian4 contribution noun
642 告辞 告辭 gao4ci2 to leave verb
643 告诫 告誡 gao4jie4 to warn verb
644 ge1 to cut verb
645 ge1 to put verb
646 疙瘩 疙瘩 ge1da5 lump noun
647 歌颂 歌頌 ge1song4 to praise verb
648 隔阂 隔閡 ge2he2 gulf noun
649 格局 格局 ge2ju2 structure noun
650 隔离 隔離 ge2li2 to separate verb
651 格式 格式 ge2shi5 format noun
652 各抒己见 各抒己見 ge4shu1ji3jian4 to air their own views verb
653 个体 個體 ge4ti3 individual noun
654 跟前 跟前 gen1qian2 in front of adverb
655 根深蒂固 根深蒂固 gen1shen1di4gu4 inveterate adjective
656 跟随 跟隨 gen1sui2 to follow verb
657 根源 根源 gen1yuan2 germ noun
658 跟踪 跟蹤 gen1zong1 to tail verb
659 耕地 耕地 geng1di4 to plough verb
660 更新 更新 geng1xin1 to renew verb
661 更正 更正 geng1zheng4 to correct verb
662 高潮 高潮 go1chao2 climax noun
663 公安局 公安局 gong1an1ju2 police station noun
664 公道 公道 gong1dao4 justice noun
665 宫殿 宮殿 gong1dian4 palace noun
666 工夫 工夫 gong1fu5 time noun
667 公告 公告 gong1gao4 bulletin noun
668 攻击 攻擊 gong1ji1 to attack verb
669 供给 供給 gong1ji3 to supply verb
670 恭敬 恭敬 gong1jing4 deferential adjective
671 公关 公關 gong1guan1 public relations noun
672 功课 功課 gong1ke4 assignment noun
673 攻克 攻克 gong1ke4 to capture verb
674 功劳 功勞 gong1lao2 credit noun
675 公民 公民 gong1min2 citizen noun
676 公婆 公婆 gong1po2 parents-in-law noun
677 公然 公然 gong1ran2 in public adverb
678 公认 公認 gong1ren4 recognized adjective
679 公式 公式 gong1shi4 formula noun
680 公务 公務 gong1wu4 official business noun
681 功效 功效 gong1xiao4 efficacy noun
682 工艺品 工藝品 gong1yi4pin3 craft noun
683 公正 公正 gong1zheng4 justness noun
684 公证 公證 gong1zheng4 notarization noun
685 巩固 鞏固 gong3gu4 to consolidate verb
686 供不应求 供不應求 gong1bu4ying1qiu2 In short supply noun
687 共和国 共和國 gong4he2guo2 republic noun
688 共计 共計 gong4ji4 in total verb
689 共鸣 共鳴 gong4ming2 resonance noun
690 勾结 勾結 gou1jie2 collusion noun
691 钩子 鉤子 gou1zi5 hook noun
692 构思 構思 gou4si1 to conceive verb
693 孤独 孤獨 gu1du2 loneliness noun
694 辜负 辜負 gu1fu4 to let down verb
695 姑且 姑且 gu1qie3 tentatively adverb
696 故障 故障 gu4zhang4 malfunction noun
697 股东 股東 gu3dong1 stockholder noun
698 古董 古董 gu3dong3 antique noun
699 鼓动 鼓動 gu3dong4 instigation noun
700 股份 股份 gu3fen4 stock noun
701 骨干 骨幹 gu3gan4 backbone noun
702 古怪 古怪 gu3guai4 oddity noun
703 顾虑 顧慮 gu4lv4 apprehension noun
704 固然 固然 gu4ran2 admittedly adverb
705 顾问 顧問 gu4wen4 consultant noun
706 故乡 故鄉 gu4xiang1 hometown noun
707 固有 固有 gu4you3 inherent adverb
708 固执 固執 gu4zhi5 bigotry noun
709 拐杖 拐杖 guai3zhang4 crutch noun
710 官方 官方 guan1fang1 official adjective
711 观光 觀光 guan1guang1 sightseeing noun
712 关照 關照 guan1zhao4 to care verb
713 管辖 管轄 guan3xia2 to have jurisdiction over sth. verb
714 guan4 jar noun
715 贯彻 貫徹 guan4che4 to implement verb
716 灌溉 灌溉 guan4gai4 irrigation noun
717 惯例 慣例 guan4li4 routine noun
718 光彩 光彩 guang1cai3 honorable adjective
719 光辉 光輝 guang1hui1 light noun
720 光芒 光芒 guang1mang2 light noun
721 广阔 廣闊 guang3kuo4 widest adjective
722 规范 規範 gui1fan4 norms noun
723 规格 規格 gui1ge2 spec noun
724 归根结底 歸根結底 gui1gen1jie2di3 in the final analysis conjunction
725 规划 規劃 gui1hua4 programming noun
726 归还 歸還 gui1huan2 to return verb
727 归纳 歸納 gui1na4 to generalize verb
728 规章 規章 gui1zhang1 regulations noun
729 轨道 軌道 gui3dao4 orbit noun
730 gui4 to kneel verb
731 贵族 貴族 gui4zu2 nobility noun
732 棍棒 棍棒 gun4bang4 billy noun
733 国防 國防 guo2fang2 national defense noun
734 国务院 國務院 guo2wu4yuan4 State Department noun
735 果断 果斷 guo3duan4 decisive adjective
736 过度 過度 guo4du4 in excess adverb
737 过渡 過渡 guo4du4 transition noun
738 过奖 過獎 guo4jiang3 to overpraise verb
739 过滤 過濾 guo4lv4 to filtrate verb
740 过失 過失 guo4shi1 lapse noun
741 过问 過問 guo4wen4 to interfere verb
742 过瘾 過癮 guo4yin3 enjoyable adjective
743 过于 過於 guo4yu2 excessively adverb
744 海拔 海拔 hai3ba2 altitude noun
745 海滨 海濱 hai3bin1 shore noun
746 hai5 hi auxiliary
747 含糊 含糊 han2hu5 ambiguous adjective
748 寒暄 寒暄 han2xuan1 greetings noun
749 含义 含義 han2yi4 meanings noun
750 罕见 罕見 han3jian4 rarely adverb
751 捍卫 捍衛 han4wei4 to safeguard verb
752 航空 航空 hang2kong1 aviation noun
753 行列 行列 hang2lie4 rank noun
754 航行 航行 hang2xing2 to navigate verb
755 航天 航天 hang2tian1 spaceflight noun
756 豪迈 豪邁 hao2mai4 heroic adjective
757 毫米 毫米 hao2mi3 millimeter noun
758 毫无 毫無 hao2wu2 none adverb
759 耗费 耗費 hao4fei4 to cost verb
760 好客 好客 hao4ke4 hospitable adjective
761 号召 號召 hao4zhao4 to call on verb
762 和蔼 和藹 he2ai3 amiable adjective
763 合并 合併 he2bing4 to merge verb
764 合成 合成 he2cheng2 to synthesize verb
765 合乎 合乎 he2hu1 to conform verb
766 合伙 合夥 he2huo3 to form a partnership verb
767 和解 和解 he2jie3 to compromise verb
768 和睦 和睦 he2mu4 concord noun
769 和气 和氣 he2qi4 polite adjective
770 合身 合身 he2shen1 fit adjective
771 和算 和算 he2suan4 worthwhile adjective
772 和谐 和諧 he2xie2 harmonious adverb
773 he5 oh auxiliary
774 hei5 hey auxiliary
775 痕迹 痕跡 hen2ji4 trace noun
776 狠心 狠心 hen3xin1 heartless adjective
777 恨不得 恨不得 hen4bu4de2 to be anxious to verb
778 heng5 hum noun
779 hong1 to bake verb
780 轰动 轟動 hong1dong4 sensation noun
781 红包 紅包 hong2bao1 red envelope noun
782 宏观 宏觀 hong2guan1 macroscopic adjective
783 洪水 洪水 hong2shui3 flood noun
784 宏伟 宏偉 hong2wei3 magnificent adjective
785 hong3 hubbub verb
786 喉咙 喉嚨 hou1long5 throat noun
787 hou3 to roar verb
788 后代 後代 hou4dai4 offspring noun
789 后顾之忧 後顧之憂 hou4gu4zhi1you1 worries noun
790 后勤 後勤 hou4qin2 logistics noun
791 候选 候選 hou4xuan3 to candidate for verb
792 忽略 忽略 hu1lve4 to ignore verb
793 呼啸 呼嘯 hu1xiao4 to scream verb
794 呼吁 呼籲 hu1yu4 to appeal to verb
795 胡乱 胡亂 hu2luan4 at random adverb
796 湖泊 湖泊 hu2po1 lake noun
797 互联网 互聯網 hu4lian2wang3 internet noun
798 花瓣 花瓣 hua1ban4 petal noun
799 华丽 華麗 hua2li4 gorgeous adjective
800 华侨 華僑 hua2qiao2 overseas Chinese noun