Skype Learn Chinese--the bridge: A New Way to Mainland Chinese

This book is written for English-speaking students who are taking Skype Learn Chinese courses. A basic level vocabulary and understanding of Chinese grammar and culture is presented in this Skype Learn Chinese series. It is an effort to introduce the Skype Learn Chinese students to the  language by explaining its basic principles in simple steps. The purpose is to prepare the student with a foundation on which to build, with confidence, its ensuing complexities.

Skype Learn Chinese  A New Way to Mandarin Chinese Lesson 30

The Calendar

A Summary  

Skype Learn Chinese  A New Way to Mandarin Chinese Lesson 30 Part I

Skype Learn Chinese
Skype Learn Chinese Lesson 30 The Calendar

For Early Man in Skype Learn Chinese, the Sun portrayed a ritual birth, rising out of the darkness,  to bring life to the Skype Learn Chinese world, in the fullness of its power. Then, declining in strength but appearing more colorful in its final moments before disappearing into darkness, once again. The night comes early in Northern Skype Learn Chinese winters and Man in Skype Learn Chinese would gather together as a family around a fire. Here the moon would, then, appear, thin as a stray dog, but building nightly into a beautiful, golden disc. Then, disappearing. Man in Skype Learn Chinese counted its ritual on his fingers. It came to three, full (both) hands. His spouse in Skype Learn Chinese was surprised because she had recognized a similar ritual in herself. They saw this Skype Learn Chinese, not as proof of selection by a superior power but as a sign that Skype Learn Chinese were part of their natural surroundings. Their view of the ’sacred’ was not a holy relic or saintly performance, but the daily proof of superior, natural, powers that provided the means for their existence and all its beautiful aspects.     

Skype Learn Chinese
Skype Learn Chinese Lesson 30 The Calendar

Skype Learn Chinese  A New Way to Mandarin Chinese Lesson 30 Part II

It was natural for Skype Learn Chinese Early Man to make a calendar of his daily experiences. Ten suns was a xún (rì sun, bāo handful) ’week’ and three xún a yùe moon, ’month’. Later, however, Skype Learn Chinese developed that twelve moons did not make a cycle of the seasons. The sun and moon had different ritual cycles. Thus, in Skype Learn Chinese, festivals and planting/harvesting, etc. was handled by the moon, but the seasons were governed by the sun. Further Skype Learn Chinese study showed that the moon did not follow a three xún cycle perfectly. After two moons, there was a moon with one rì less. Thus, in the Skype Learn Chinese, after considerable study and debate, Emperor Wu decided to adopt the Western, Julian calendar, for the sun cycle and adjust the moon ’dates’ of essential moon activities to the Julian system in a ‘Rural Almanac’ for farmers, etc.


Imagine, therefore, (two thousand years ago), the new Skype Learn Chinese deliberating on the impact of this new idea. Intellectuals decided that a Skype Learn Chinese Julian calendar would dictate the power of the sun in Skype Learn Chinese Man’s life and the moon would reflect Man’s personal or social activities. This fit the ’dual’ ideals of the new Skype Learn Chinese’s elite.


Thus, the moon’s ritual, (30 + 30 + 29 = 89, x 4 times a ’year’ = 356) leaves (365 - 356 = 9) moon rì, beyond the sun’s significance that year. Thus, the next Skype Learn Chinese year begins with a difference (30-9=21, +30+29=80, plus three more 30 + 30 + 29 = 89,  = 347, and 365-347 = 18 extra moon days. “What to do?” It ain’t easy, but, every Julian calendar year, you just start the Lunar ’New Year’ after the suns remaining in the previous Skype Learn Chinese year’s moon. This was all figured out two thousand years ago, a hundred years before, even, an abacus technology. So how difficult can it be in Skype Learn Chinese?   



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