Skype Chinese Class - HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) or the Chinese Proficiency Test

Skype Chinese Class - New HSK Vocabulary Lists

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Skype Chinese Class - New HSK Vocabulary Lists 6-2 New HSK Level 6 PART 1

序号 词汇 繁体 拼音 英文翻译 词性
801 化肥 化肥 hua4fei2 fertilizer noun
802 划分 劃分 hua4fen1 to compartmentalize verb
803 画蛇添足 畫蛇添足 hua4she2tian1zu2 to gild verb
804 化石 化石 hua4shi2 fossil noun
805 话筒 話筒 hua4tong3 mike noun
806 化验 化驗 hua4yan4 assay noun
807 化妆 化妝 hua4zhuang1 makeup noun
808 怀孕 懷孕 huai2yun4 pregnancy noun
809 欢乐 歡樂 huan1le4 jollification noun
810 环节 環節 huan2jie2 link noun
811 还原 還原 huan2yuan2 to revert verb
812 缓和 緩和 huan3he2 to abate verb
813 患者 患者 huan4zhe3 sufferer noun
814 荒凉 荒涼 huang1liang2 desolation noun
815 慌忙 慌忙 huang1mang2 in a great rush verb
816 荒谬 荒謬 huang1miu4 ridiculous adjective
817 荒唐 荒唐 huang1tang2 ridiculous adjective
818 黄昏 黃昏 huang2hun1 dusk noun
819 恍然大悟 恍然大悟 huang3ran2da4wu4 to take a tumble verb
820 辉煌 輝煌 hui1huang2 resplendence noun
821 挥霍 揮霍 hui1huo4 to devour verb
822 回报 回報 hui2bao4 to redound verb
823 回避 回避 hui2bi4 to shy away verb
824 回顾 回顧 hui2gu4 to retrospect verb
825 回收 回收 hui2shou1 to reclaim verb
826 悔恨 悔恨 hui3hen4 to regret verb
827 毁灭 毀滅 hui3mie4 to destroy verb
828 汇报 彙報 hui4bao4 to report verb
829 贿赂 賄賂 hui4lu4 to bribe verb
830 会晤 會晤 hui4wu4 to contact verb
831 昏迷 昏迷 hun1mi2 to lose consciousness  verb
832 浑身 渾身 hun2shen1 all over the body adverb
833 混合 混合 hun4he2 to mixture verb
834 混乱 混亂 hun4luan4 chaos noun
835 混淆 混淆 hun4xiao2 confusion noun
836 混浊 混濁 hun2zhuo2 turbidity noun
837 活该 活該 huo2gai1 you deserve it other
838 活力 活力 huo2li4 energy noun
839 火箭 火箭 huo3jian4 rocket noun
840 火焰 火焰 huo3yan4 flame noun
841 火药 火藥 huo3yao4 gunpowder noun
842 货币 貨幣 huo4bi4 currency noun
843 或者 或者 huo4zhe3 or conjunction
844 基地 基地 ji1di4 base noun
845 机动 機動 ji1dong4 iocomotive adjective
846 饥饿 饑餓 ji1‘e4 hunger noun
847 激发 激發 ji1fa1 to wake verb
848 机构 機構 ji1gou4 organization noun
849 机关 機關 ji1guan1 department noun
850 基金 基金 ji1jin1 fund noun
851 激励 激勵 ji1li1 to inspire verb
852 机灵 機靈 ji1ling5 shrewd adjective
853 机密 機密 ji1mi4 secret noun
854 激情 激情 ji1qing2 strong emotion noun
855 讥笑 譏笑 ji1xiao4 to fleer verb
856 机械 機械 ji1xie4 machine noun
857 基因 基因 ji1yin1 gene noun
858 机遇 機遇 ji1yu4 opportunity noun
859 机智 機智 ji1zhi4 witty adjective
860 即便 即便 ji2bian4 even if conjunction
861 级别 級別 ji2bie2 grade noun
862 疾病 疾病 ji2bing4 aliment noun
863 嫉妒 嫉妒 ji2du4 to begrudge verb
864 极端 極端 ji2duan1 uttermost noun
865 急功近利 急功近利 ji2gong1jin4li4 eager for instant success and quick profits adjective
866 籍贯 籍貫 ji2guan4 native place noun
867 即将 即將 ji2jiang1 about to adverb
868 急剧 急劇 ji2ju4 sharply adverb
869 急切 急切 ji2qie4 impatient adjective
870 极限 極限 ji2xian4 limit noun
871 急于求成 急於求成 ji2yu2qiu2cheng2 to be impatient for success adjective
872 及早 及早 ji2zao3 as soon as possible adverb
873 急躁 急躁 ji2zao4 precipitancy noun
874 给予 給予 ji3yu3 to administer verb
875 继承 繼承 ji4cheng2 to inherit verb
876 季度 季度 ji4du4 quarter noun
877 忌讳 忌諱 ji4hui4 taboo noun
878 计较 計較 ji4jiao4 to argue with verb
879 寂静 寂靜 ji4jing4 quietude noun
880 季军 季軍 ji4jun1 third place noun
881 技能 技能 ji4neng2 skill noun
882 技巧 技巧 ji4qiao3 technique noun
883 寄托 寄託 ji4tuo1 to entrust the care of verb
884 继往开来 繼往開來 ji4wang3kai1lai2 to continue with the past and open up the future verb
885 迹象 跡象 ji4xiang4 evidence noun
886 记性 記性 ji4xing5 memory noun
887 纪要 紀要 ji4yao4 minutes noun
888 记载 記載 ji4zai3 to record verb
889 家常 家常 jia1chang2 homemade adjective
890 加工 加工 jia1gong1 to process verb
891 家伙 傢伙 jia1huo5 fellow noun
892 加剧 加劇 jia1ju4 to intensify verb
893 家属 家屬 jia1shu3 sib noun
894 佳肴 佳餚 jia1yao2 cate noun
895 家喻户晓 家喻戶曉 jia1yu4hu4xiao3 widely known adjective
896 夹杂 夾雜 jia1za2 inclusive adjective
897 假设 假設 jia3she4 hypothesis noun
898 坚定 堅定 jian1ding4 steady adjective
899 监督 監督 jian1du1 to oversee verb
900 尖端 尖端 jian1duan1 point noun
901 坚固 堅固 jian1gu4 firm adjective
902 艰难 艱難 jian1nan2 hardship noun
903 坚韧 堅韌 jian1ren4 tough adjective
904 坚实 堅實 jian1shi2 solid adjective
905 监视 監視 jian1shi4 scrutiny noun
906 坚硬 堅硬 jian1ying4 hard adjective
907 监狱 監獄 jian1yu4 jail noun
908 兼职 兼職 jian1zhi2 part-time job noun
909 间接 間接 jian2jie1 indirect adjective
910 jian3 to pick verb
911 剪彩 剪綵 jian3cai3 ribbon-cutting noun
912 简化 簡化 jian3hua4 to predigest verb
913 简陋 簡陋 jian3lou4 simple and crude adjective
914 检讨 檢討 jian3tao3 to review verb
915 简体字 簡體字 jian3ti3zi4 simplified character noun
916 检验 檢驗 jian3yan4 to checkout verb
917 简要 簡要 jian3yao4 brief adjective
918 jian4 to spatter verb
919 鉴别 鑒別 jian4bie2 to distinguish verb
920 间谍 間諜 jian4die2 spy noun
921 鉴定 鑒定 jian4ding4 to authenticate verb
922 间隔 間隔 jian4ge2 interval noun
923 见多识广 見多識廣 jian4duo1shi2guang3 informed adjective
924 见解 見解 jian4jie3 opinion noun
925 健全 健全 jian4quan2 robust adjective
926 践踏 踐踏 jian4ta4 to stomp verb
927 舰艇 艦艇 jian4ting3 warship noun
928 见闻 見聞 jian4wen2 knowledge noun
929 见义勇为 見義勇為 jian4yi4yong3wei2 courageous adjective
930 鉴于 鑒於 jian4yu2 in view of preposition
931 将近 將近 jiang1jin4 almost adverb
932 将军 將軍 jiang1jun5 general noun
933 僵硬 僵硬 jiang1ying4 ankylosis noun
934 jiang3 oar noun
935 奖励 獎勵 jiang3li4 award noun
936 奖赏 獎賞 jiang3shang3 guerdon noun
937 交叉 交叉 jiao1cha1 to across verb
938 交代 交代 jiao1dai4 to account verb
939 焦点 焦點 jiao1dian3 focus noun
940 焦急 焦急 jiao1ji2 fuss noun
941 娇气 嬌氣 jiao1qi4 effeminate adjective
942 交涉 交涉 jiao1she4 negotiation noun
943 交往 交往 jiao1wang3 intercourse noun
944 交易 交易 jiao1yi4 to trade verb
945 搅拌 攪拌 jiao3ban4 to stir verb
946 角落 角落 jiao3luo4 corner noun
947 缴纳 繳納 jiao3na4 to pay verb
948 较量 較量 jiao4liang4 bout noun
949 教养 教養 jiao4yang3 upbringing noun
950 jie1 all adverb
951 阶层 階層 jie1ceng2 stratum noun
952 揭发 揭發 jie1fa1 exposure noun
953 接连 接連 jie1lian2 successively adverb
954 揭露 揭露 jie1lu4 to disclose verb
955 杰出 傑出 jie2chu1 outstanding adjective
956 竭尽全力 竭盡全力 jie2jin4quan2li4 to lay oneself out verb
957 结晶 結晶 jie2jing1 rime noun
958 结局 結局 jie2ju2 drop scene noun
959 结算 結算 jie2suan4 settlement noun
960 截至 截至 jie2zhi4 up to preposition
961 节奏 節奏 jie2zou4 rhythm noun
962 解除 解除 jie3chu2 to deliquesce verb
963 解雇 解雇 jie3gu4 to dismiss verb
964 解剖 解剖 jie3pou1 to anatomize verb
965 解散 解散 jie3san4 to disband verb
966 戒备 戒備 jie4bei4 to watch out for verb
967 借鉴 借鑒 jie4jian4 reference noun
968 界限 界限 jie4xian4 ambit noun
969 借助 借助 jie4zhu4 by dint of verb
970 津津有味 津津有味 jin1jin1you3wei4 to do something with keen pleasure verb
971 金融 金融 jin1rong2 finance noun
972 尽快 儘快 jin3kuai4 as soon as possible adverb
973 紧密 緊密 jin3mi4 close adjective
974 紧迫 緊迫 jin3po4 urgent adjective
975 锦绣前程 錦繡前程 jin3xiu4qian2cheng2 bright future noun
976 进而 進而 jin4er2 then adverb
977 进攻 進攻 jin4gong1 onset noun
978 进化 進化 jin4hua4 evolution noun
979 近来 近來 jin4lai2 lately adverb
980 浸泡 浸泡 jin4pao4 to soak verb
981 晋升 晉升 jin4sheng1 to promote verb
982 近视 近視 jin4shi4 myopia noun
983 劲头 勁頭 jin4tou2 energy noun
984 进展 進展 jin4zhan3 headway noun
985 jing4 stem noun
986 精打细算 精打細算 jing1da3xi4suan4 to pinch pennies verb
987 惊动 驚動 jing1dong4 to startle verb
988 经费 經費 jing1fei4 outlay noun
989 精华 精華 jing1hua2 elite noun
990 精简 精簡 jing1jian3 to condense verb
991 兢兢业业 兢兢業業 jing1jing1ye4ye4 cautious and conscientious adjective
992 精密 精密 jing1mi4 exactitude noun
993 惊奇 驚奇 jing1qi2 wonder noun
994 精确 精確 jing1que4 precise adjective
995 经商 經商 jing1shang1 to trade verb
996 精通 精通 jing1tong1 mastery noun
997 经纬 經緯 jing1wei3 longitude and latitude noun
998 精心 精心 jing1xin1 carefully adverb
999 惊讶 驚訝 jing1ya4 surprise noun
1000 精益求精 精益求精 jing1yi4qiu2jing1 to seek for greater perfection/ constantly improve sth verb
1001 精致 精緻 jing1zhi4 refinement noun
1002 jing3 well noun
1003 警告 警告 jing3gao4 to warn verb
1004 警惕 警惕 jing3ti4 to alert verb
1005 颈椎 頸椎 jing3zhui1 cervical vertebra noun
1006 境界 境界 jing4jie4 stature noun
1007 敬礼 敬禮 jing4li3 salute noun
1008 竞赛 競賽 jing4sai4 contest noun
1009 镜头 鏡頭 jing4tou2 lens noun
1010 竞选 競選 jing4xuan3 election noun
1011 纠纷 糾紛 jiu1fen1 dispute noun
1012 纠正 糾正 jiu1zheng4 to correct verb
1013 酒精 酒精 jiu3jing1 alcohol noun
1014 救济 救濟 jiu4ji5 almsgiving noun
1015 就近 就近 jiu4jin4 nearby adverb
1016 就业 就業 jiu4ye4 to obtain employment verb
1017 就职 就職 jiu4zhi2 accession noun
1018 鞠躬 鞠躬 ju1gong1 to bow verb
1019 拘留 拘留 ju1liu2 custody noun
1020 拘束 拘束 ju1shu4 to restrict verb
1021 居住 居住 ju1zhu4 inhabitation noun
1022 局部 局部 ju2bu4 part adjective
1023 局面 局面 ju2mian4 conjuncture noun
1024 局势 局勢 ju2shi4 situation noun
1025 局限 局限 ju2xian4 localization noun
1026 举动 舉動 ju3dong4 comport noun
1027 咀嚼 咀嚼 ju3jue2 to chaw verb
1028 沮丧 沮喪 ju3sang4 depression noun
1029 举世闻名 舉世聞名 ju3shi4wen2ming2 world-renowned adjective
1030 举世瞩目 舉世矚目 ju3shi4zhu3mu4 to draw worldwide attention verb
1031 举足轻重 舉足輕重 ju3zu2qing1zhong4 to hold the balance verb
1032 剧本 劇本 ju4ben3 scenario noun
1033 聚精会神 聚精會神 ju4jing1hui4shen2 to gather oneself together verb
1034 剧烈 劇烈 ju4lie4 acute adjective
1035 据悉 據悉 ju4xi1 it is reported preposition
1036 决策 決策 jue2ce4 decision noun
1037 绝望 絕望 jue2wang4 despair noun
1038 觉悟 覺悟 jue2wu4 consciousness noun
1039 觉醒 覺醒 jue2xing3 arousal noun
1040 军队 軍隊 jun1dui4 troop noun
1041 卡通 卡通 ka3tong1 cartoon noun
1042 开采 開採 kai1cai3 exploitation noun
1043 开除 開除 kai1chu2 to disemploy verb
1044 开阔 開闊 kai1kuo4 to widen verb
1045 开朗 開朗 kai1lang3 outgoing adjective
1046 开明 開明 kai1ming2 enlightened adjective
1047 开辟 開闢 kai1pi4 to open up verb
1048 开水 開水 kai1shui3 boiled water noun
1049 开拓 開拓 kai1tuo4 to bring forth verb
1050 开展 開展 kai1zhan3 to develop verb
1051 开支 開支 kai1zhi1 expenditure noun
1052 刊登 刊登 kan1deng1 to publish verb
1053 勘探 勘探 kan1tan4 to  reconnoitre verb
1054 刊物 刊物 kan1wu4 publication noun
1055 看待 看待 kan4dai4 to regard verb
1056 看望 看望 kan4wang4 to visit verb
1057 慷慨 慷慨 kang1kai3 generosity noun
1058 kang2 to shoulder verb
1059 考察 考察 kao3cha2 exploration noun
1060 考古 考古 kao3gu3 archaeology noun
1061 考核 考核 kao3he2 to examine verb
1062 考验 考驗 kao3yan4 to test verb
1063 靠拢 靠攏 kao4long3 to close verb
1064 ke1 to knock verb
1065 颗粒 顆粒 ke1li4 granule noun
1066 科目 科目 ke1mu4 subject noun
1067 可观 可觀 ke3guan1 considerable adjective
1068 可口 可口 ke3kou3 tasty adjective
1069 渴望 渴望 ke3wang4 aspiration noun
1070 可恶 可惡 ke3wu4 hateful adjective
1071 可笑 可笑 ke3xiao4 laughable adjective
1072 可行 可行 ke3xing2 feasible adjective
1073 刻不容缓 刻不容緩 ke4bu4rong2huan3 instant adjective
1074 客户 客戶 ke4hu4 client noun
1075 课题 課題 ke4ti2 task noun
1076 ken3 to nibble verb
1077 恳切 懇切 ken3qie4 earnest adjective
1078 keng1 hole noun
1079 空洞 空洞 kong1dong4 cavity noun
1080 空前绝后 空前絕後 kong1qian2jue2hou4 to surpass the past and future verb
1081 空想 空想 kong1xiang3 escapism noun
1082 空虚 空虛 kong1xu1 hollowness noun
1083 kong3 hole noun
1084 恐吓 恐嚇 kong3he4 to threaten verb
1085 恐惧 恐懼 kong3ju4 to dread verb
1086 空白 空白 kong4bai2 blank adjective
1087 空隙 空隙 kong4xi4 interspace noun
1088 口气 口氣 kou3qi4 tone noun
1089 口腔 口腔 kou3qiang1 oral cavity noun
1090 口头 口頭 kou3tou2 oral adjective
1091 口音 口音 kou3yin1 accent noun
1092 枯竭 枯竭 ku1jie2 to dry up verb
1093 枯燥 枯燥 ku1zao4 baldness noun
1094 苦尽甘来 苦盡甘來 ku3jin4gan1lai2 pain past is pleasure other
1095 kua4 to carry on the arm verb
1096 kua4 to step across verb
1097 快活 快活 kuai4huo2 cheerfulness noun
1098 宽敞 寬敞 kuan1chuang3 spacious adjective
1099 款待 款待 kuan3dai4 to feast verb
1100 款式 款式 kuan3shi4 style noun
1101 kuang4 basket noun
1102 框架 框架 kuang4jia4 frame noun
1103 旷课 曠課 kuang4ke4 absenteeism noun
1104 况且 況且 kuang4qie3 besides conjunction
1105 亏待 虧待 kui1dai4 to treat unfairly verb
1106 亏损 虧損 kui1sun3 to loss verb
1107 昆虫 昆蟲 kun1chong2 insect noun
1108 捆绑 捆綁 kun3bang3 seizing noun
1109 扩充 擴充 kuo4chong1 to extend verb
1110 扩散 擴散 kuo4san4 to diffuse verb
1111 扩张 擴張 kuo4zhang1 to expand verb
1112 喇叭 喇叭 la3ba5 horn noun
1113 la5 la auxiliary
1114 来历 來歷 lai2li4 origin noun
1115 来源 來源 lai2yuan2 source noun
1116 栏目 欄目 lan2mu4 column noun
1117 懒惰 懶惰 lan3duo4 indolence noun
1118 狼狈 狼狽 lang2bei4 bewilderment noun
1119 朗读 朗讀 lang3du2 read aloud verb
1120 lao1 to gain verb
1121 唠叨 嘮叨 lao2dao5 to chatter verb
1122 牢固 牢固 lao2gu4 fastness noun
1123 牢骚 牢騷 lao2sao1 complaint noun
1124 乐趣 樂趣 le4qu4 delight noun
1125 乐意 樂意 le4yi4 to be willing to verb
1126 雷达 雷達 lei2da2 radar noun
1127 类似 類似 lei4si4 analogy noun
1128 冷淡 冷淡 leng3dan4 chillness noun
1129 冷静 冷靜 leng3jing4 calmness noun
1130 冷酷 冷酷 leng3ku4 inexorability noun
1131 冷却 冷卻 leng3que4 cooling noun
1132 leng4 blank adjective
1133 黎明 黎明 li2ming2 dawn noun
1134 理睬 理睬 li3cai3 to pay attention to verb
1135 里程碑 里程碑 li3cheng2bei1 landmark noun
1136 礼节 禮節 li3jie2 ceremony noun
1137 理所当然 理所當然 li3suo3dang1ran2 to go without saying verb
1138 理直气壮 理直氣壯 li3zhi2qi4zhuang4 be in the right and self-confident adjective
1139 理智 理智 li3zhi4 reason noun
1140 立场 立場 li4chang3 standpoint noun
1141 历代 歷代 li4dai4 successive dynasties noun
1142 利害 利害 li4hai4 formidable  adjective
1143 立交桥 立交橋 li4jiao1qiao2 cloverleaf junction noun
1144 历来 歷來 li4lai2 always adverb
1145 利率 利率 li4lv4 interest rate noun
1146 力所能及 力所能及 li4suo3neng2ji2 in one's power adjective
1147 立体 立體 li4ti3 stereoscopic adjective
1148 力图 力圖 li4tu2 to strive verb
1149 力争 力爭 li4tu2 to work hard for verb
1150 例外 例外 li4wai4 exception noun
1151 立足 立足 li4zu2 to base oneself upon verb
1152 联欢 聯歡 lian2huan1 to gam verb
1153 廉洁 廉潔 lian2jie2 probity noun
1154 联络 聯絡 lian2luo4 to connect verb
1155 连忙 連忙 lian2mang2 promptly adverb
1156 连年 連年 lian2nian2 in successive years adverb
1157 连锁 連鎖 lian2suo3 catenation noun
1158 连同 連同 lian2tong2 in connection with conjunction
1159 联想 聯想 lian2xiang3 to associate verb
1160 良心 良心 liang2xin1 conscience noun
1161 liang4 to dry in the air verb
1162 谅解 諒解 liang4jie3 to understand verb
1163 辽阔 遼闊 liao2kuo4 vast adjective
1164 列举 列舉 lie4ju3 to enumerate verb
1165 lin2 to drench verb
1166 临床 臨床 lin2chuang2 clinical adjective
1167 吝啬 吝嗇 lin4se4 cheeseparing noun
1168 凌晨 淩晨 ling2chen2 wee hours noun
1169 灵感 靈感 ling2gan3 inspiration noun
1170 灵魂 靈魂 ling2hun2 soul noun
1171 伶俐 伶俐 ling2li4 clever adjective
1172 灵敏 靈敏 ling2min3 to be sensitive to verb
1173 零星 零星 ling2xing1 sporadically adverb
1174 领会 領會 ling3hui4 comprehend verb
1175 领事馆 領事館 ling3shi4guan3 consulate noun
1176 领土 領土 ling3tu3 territory noun
1177 领悟 領悟 ling3wu4 apperception noun
1178 领先 領先 ling3xian1 to lead verb
1179 领袖 領袖 ling3xiu4 cacique noun
1180 liu1 to steal verb
1181 丢三落四 丟三落四 liu1san1la4si4 to forget this and that verb
1182 流浪 流浪 liu2lang4 wandering noun
1183 留恋 留戀 liu2lian4 to reluctant to depart verb
1184 流露 流露 liu2lu4 to outpour verb
1185 流氓 流氓 liu2mang2 blackguard noun
1186 留念 留念 liu2nian4 to keep as a souvenir verb
1187 留神 留神 liu2shen2 to look out verb
1188 流通 流通 liu2tong1 currency noun
1189 隆重 隆重 long2zhong4 solemn adjective
1190 垄断 壟斷 long3duan4 to monopolize verb
1191 聋哑 聾啞 long3ya3 surdimutism noun
1192 笼罩 籠罩 long3zhao4 to fold verb
1193 lou3 cuddle noun
1194 炉灶 爐灶 lu2zhao4 cooker noun
1195 轮船 輪船 lun2chuan2 steamer noun
1196 轮廓 輪廓 lun2kuo4 contour noun
1197 轮胎 輪胎 lun2tai1 tyre noun
1198 论坛 論壇 lun4tan2 forum noun
1199 论证 論證 lun4zheng4 argumentation noun
1200 啰嗦 囉嗦 luo1suo5 long-winded adjective

Skype Chinese Class - New HSK Vocabulary Lists 6-2 New HSK Level 6 PART 2

序号 词汇 繁体 拼音 英文翻译 词性
1201 螺丝钉 螺絲釘 luo2si1ding1 screw noun
1202 落成 落成 luo4cheng2 to complete verb
1203 落实 落實 luo4shi2 to fulfil verb
1204 络绎不绝 絡繹不絕 luo4yi4bu4jue2 in an endless stream adjective
1205 屡次 屢次 lv3ci4 frequently adverb
1206 履行 履行 lv3xing2 to carry out verb
1207 掠夺 掠奪 lve4duo2 to depredate verb
1208 略微 略微 lve4wei1 appreciably adverb
1209 麻痹 麻痹 ma2bi4 anaesthetization noun
1210 麻木 麻木 ma2mu4 numb adjective
1211 麻醉 麻醉 ma2zui4 narcosis noun
1212 码头 碼頭 ma3tou2 dock noun
1213 ma5 well auxiliary
1214 埋伏 埋伏 mai2fu5 ambuscade noun
1215 埋没 埋沒 mai2mo4 to cover verb
1216 埋葬 埋葬 mai2zang4 to bury verb
1217 mai4 to stride verb
1218 脉搏 脈搏 mai4bo2 pulse noun
1219 埋怨 埋怨 man2yuan4 to complain verb
1220 漫长 漫長 man4chang2 lengthy adjective
1221 漫画 漫畫 man4hua4 caricature noun
1222 慢性 慢性 man4xing4 chronic adjective
1223 蔓延 蔓延 man4yan2 to overspread verb
1224 忙碌 忙碌 mang2lu4 to bustle about verb
1225 茫茫 茫茫 mang2mang2 boundless adjective
1226 盲目 盲目 mang2mu4 blindness noun
1227 茫然 茫然 mang2ran2 dazed adjective
1228 冒充 冒充 mao4chong1 to imitate verb
1229 茂盛 茂盛 mao4sheng4 flourish adjective
1230 mei2 measure word measure word
1231 媒介 媒介 mei2jie4 medium noun
1232 媒体 媒體 mei2ti3 media noun
1233 没辙 沒轍 mei2zhe2 no way to go about verb
1234 美观 美觀 mei3guan1 aesthetic adjective
1235 美满 美滿 mei3man3 happy adjective
1236 美妙 美妙 mei3miao4 beautiful adjective
1237 门诊 門診 men2zhen3 clinic noun
1238 meng2 to cheat verb
1239 萌芽 萌芽 meng2ya2 bud noun
1240 猛烈 猛烈 meng3lie4 violent adjective
1241 梦想 夢想 meng4xiang3 dream noun
1242 mi1 to narrow verb
1243 弥补 彌補 mi2bu3 to make up for verb
1244 迷惑 迷惑 mi2huo4 to puzzle verb
1245 弥漫 彌漫 mi2man4 to pervade verb
1246 迷人 迷人 mi2ren2 charming adjective
1247 迷失 迷失 mi2shi1 to wilder verb
1248 迷信 迷信 mi2xin4 superstition noun
1249 密度 密度 mi4du4 density noun
1250 密封 密封 mi4feng1 air proof adjective
1251 免得 免得 mian3de5 lest conjunction
1252 勉励 勉勵 mian3li4 to encourage verb
1253 勉强 勉強 mian3qiang3 unwilling adjective
1254 免疫 免疫 mian3yi4 immunization noun
1255 面包 麵包 mian4bao1 bread noun
1256 面貌 面貌 mian4mao4 visage noun
1257 面子 面子 mian4zi5 reputation noun
1258 描绘 描繪 miao2hui4 to depict verb
1259 渺小 渺小 miao3xiao3 tiny adjective
1260 蔑视 蔑視 mie4shi4 to contemn verb
1261 灭亡 滅亡 mie4wang2 perdition noun
1262 民间 民間 min2jian1 folk adjective
1263 民用 民用 min2yong4 civilian use noun
1264 敏感 敏感 min3gan3 sensitivity noun
1265 敏捷 敏捷 min3jie2 agility noun
1266 敏锐 敏銳 min3rui4 acuity noun
1267 名次 名次 ming2ci4 ranking noun
1268 名额 名額 ming2e2 quota noun
1269 名副其实 名副其實 ming2fu4qi2shi2 to be true to one's name verb
1270 明明 明明 ming2ming2 distinctly adverb
1271 名誉 名譽 ming2yu4 reputation noun
1272 命名 命名 ming4ming2 to denominate verb
1273 摸索 摸索 mo1suo3 to grope verb
1274 mo2 membrane noun
1275 摩擦 摩擦 mo2cha1 to rub verb
1276 模范 模範 mo2fan4 exemplar noun
1277 魔鬼 魔鬼 mo2gui3 devil noun
1278 磨合 磨合 mo2he2 to grind in verb
1279 模式 模式 mo2shi4 pattern noun
1280 魔术 魔術 mo2shu4 sorcery noun
1281 模型 模型 mo2xing2 model noun
1282 抹杀 抹殺 mo3sha1 to erase verb
1283 莫名其妙 莫名其妙 mo4ming2qi2miao4 without rhyme or reason adverb
1284 默默 默默 mo4mo4 silently adverb
1285 墨水儿 墨水兒 mo4shui3r5 ink noun
1286 谋求 謀求 mou2qiu2 to buck for verb
1287 模样 模樣 mu2yang4 appearance noun
1288 母语 母語 mu3yu3 mother tongue noun
1289 目睹 目睹 mu4du3 to discern verb
1290 目光 目光 mu4guang1 sight noun
1291 目录 目錄 mu4lu4 catalog noun
1292 沐浴 沐浴 mu4yu4 bath noun
1293 n5 er auxiliary
1294 拿手 拿手 na2shou3 skillful adjective
1295 纳闷儿 納悶兒 na4menr4 to be perplexed verb
1296 耐用 耐用 nai4yong4 durable adjective
1297 难得 難得 nan2de2 one in a thousand adjective
1298 难看 難看 nan2kan4 ugly adjective
1299 难免 難免 nan2mian3 inevitably adverb
1300 难能可贵 難能可貴 nan2neng2ke3gui4 invaluable adjective
1301 恼火 惱火 nao3huo3 to be angry verb
1302 内涵 內涵 nei4han2 connotation noun
1303 内幕 內幕 nei4mu4 low-down noun
1304 内在 內在 nei4zai4 internal adjective
1305 能量 能量 neng2liang4 energy noun
1306 年度 年度 nian2du4 year noun
1307 nie1 to nip verb
1308 凝固 凝固 ning2gu4 concreting noun
1309 凝聚 凝聚 ning2ju4 to agglomerate verb
1310 凝视 凝視 ning2shi4 to gaze verb
1311 ning3 to screw verb
1312 拟定 擬定 ning3ding4 to study out verb
1313 宁肯 寧肯 ning4ken3 would rather conjunction
1314 宁愿 寧願 ning4yuan4 would rather conjunction
1315 纽扣儿 紐扣兒 niu3kou4r5 fastener noun
1316 扭转 扭轉 niu3zhuan3 torsion noun
1317 浓厚 濃厚 nong2hou4 dense adjective
1318 农历 農曆 nong2li4 lunar calendar noun
1319 奴隶 奴隸 nu2li4 slave noun
1320 nuo2 to move verb
1321 虐待 虐待 nve4dai4 to abuse verb
1322 o5 oh auxiliary
1323 殴打 毆打 ou1da3 to beat up verb
1324 欧洲 歐洲 Ou1zhou1 Europe noun
1325 呕吐 嘔吐 ou3tu4 to disgorge verb
1326 pa1 to grovel verb
1327 排斥 排斥 pai2chi4 to blackball verb
1328 排除 排除 pai2chu2 to exclude verb
1329 排放 排放 pai2fang4 emission noun
1330 徘徊 徘徊 pai2huai2 to hesitate verb
1331 派别 派別 pai4bie4 faction noun
1332 派遣 派遣 pai4qian3 to dispatch verb
1333 攀登 攀登 pan1deng1 to climb verb
1334 盘旋 盤旋 pan2xuan2 to circle verb
1335 pan4 bank noun
1336 判决 判決 pan4jue2 to adjudge verb
1337 庞大 龐大 pang2da4 tremendous adjective
1338 抛弃 拋棄 pao1qi4 to abandon verb
1339 泡沫 泡沫 pao4mo4 bubble noun
1340 培养 培養 pei2yang3 to cultivate verb
1341 培育 培育 pei2yu4 to foster verb
1342 配备 配備 pei4bei4 to equip verb
1343 配偶 配偶 pei4ou3 spouse noun
1344 配套 配套 pei4tao4 to form a complete set verb
1345 盆地 盆地 pen2di4 basin noun
1346 烹饪 烹飪 peng1ren4 to cook verb
1347 peng3 to hold in both hands verb
1348 pi1 to hag verb
1349 批发 批發 pi1fa1 wholesale noun
1350 批判 批判 pi1pan4 to animadvert on verb
1351 疲惫 疲憊 pi2bei4 tired adjective
1352 皮革 皮革 pi2ge2 leather noun
1353 疲倦 疲倦 pi2juan4 languor noun
1354 屁股 屁股 pi4gu5 butt noun
1355 譬如 譬如 pi4ru2 for example conjunction
1356 偏差 偏差 pian1cha1 windage noun
1357 偏僻 偏僻 pian1pi4 remote adjective
1358 偏见 偏見 pian1jian4 prejudice noun
1359 偏偏 偏偏 pian1pian1 contrary to what is expected adverb
1360 片断 片斷 pian4duan4 dribs and drabs noun
1361 片刻 片刻 pian4ke4 awhile noun
1362 漂浮 漂浮 piao1fu2 to float verb
1363 飘扬 飄揚 piao1yang2 to flutter verb
1364 拼搏 拼搏 pin1bo2 to struggle verb
1365 拼命 拼命 pin1ming4 at full split adverb
1366 贫乏 貧乏 pin2fa2 lacking adjective
1367 频繁 頻繁 pin2fan2 frequently adverb
1368 贫困 貧困 pin2kun4 poverty noun
1369 频率 頻率 pin2lv4 frequency noun
1370 品尝 品嘗 pin3chang2 to taste verb
1371 品德 品德 pin3de2 morality noun
1372 品行 品行 pin3xing2 behavior noun
1373 品质 品質 pin3zhi4 character noun
1374 平凡 平凡 ping2fan2 common adjective
1375 评估 評估 ping2gu1 to evaluate verb
1376 评论 評論 ping2lun4 criticism noun
1377 平面 平面 ping2mian4 plane noun
1378 平坦 平坦 ping2tan3 flat adjective
1379 平行 平行 ping2xing2 parallel adjective
1380 平原 平原 ping2yuan2 plain noun
1381 屏障 屏障 ping2zhang4 barrier noun
1382 po1 considerably adverb
1383 po1 slope noun
1384 po1 to slosh verb
1385 迫不及待 迫不及待 po4bu4ji2dai4 to ager verb
1386 魄力 魄力 po4li4 courage noun
1387 破例 破例 po4li4 to break rules verb
1388 迫切 迫切 po4qie4 imminence noun
1389 pu1 to pounce on verb
1390 pu1 to spread verb
1391 普及 普及 pu3ji2 popularization noun
1392 朴实 樸實 pu3shi2 guileless adjective
1393 瀑布 瀑布 pu4bu4 waterfall noun
1394 欺负 欺負 qi1fu5 to bait verb
1395 凄凉 淒涼 qi1liang2 dreariness noun
1396 欺骗 欺騙 qi1pian4 to bam verb
1397 期望 期望 qi1wang4 expectation noun
1398 期限 期限 qi1xian4 time limit noun
1399 奇妙 奇妙 qi2miao4 fantastic adjective
1400 旗袍 旗袍 qi2pao2 cheong-sam noun
1401 齐全 齊全 qi2quan2 complete adjective
1402 歧视 歧視 qi2shi4 to discriminate verb
1403 齐心协力 齊心協力 qi2xin1xie2li4 to make concerted effort verb
1404 旗帜 旗幟 qi2zhi4 flag noun
1405 起草 起草 qi3cao3 to draft out verb
1406 启程 啟程 qi3cheng2 to set out verb
1407 起初 起初 qi3chu1 in the beginning adverb
1408 起伏 起伏 qi3fu2 ups and downs noun
1409 乞丐 乞丐 qi3gai4 beggar noun
1410 起哄 起哄 qi3hong4 to gather together to create a disturbance verb
1411 起码 起碼 qi3ma3 at least adverb
1412 启事 啟事 qi3shi4 announcement noun
1413 启示 啟示 qi3shi4 apocalypse noun
1414 起义 起義 qi3yi4 insurgence noun
1415 岂有此理 豈有此理 qi3you3ci3li3 darned adjective
1416 起源 起源 qi3yuan2 origin noun
1417 器材 器材 qi4cai2 equipment noun
1418 气概 氣概 qi4gai4 spirit noun
1419 气功 氣功 qi4gong1 breathing exercise noun
1420 器官 器官 qi4guan1 apparatus noun
1421 迄今为止 迄今為止 qi4jin1wei2zhi3 so far conjunction
1422 气魄 氣魄 qi4po4 verve noun
1423 气势 氣勢 qi4shi4 look of great force or imposing manner noun
1424 气味 氣味 qi4wei4 odor noun
1425 气象 氣象 qi4xiang4 weather noun
1426 气压 氣壓 qi4ya1 air pressure noun
1427 qia1 to nip verb
1428 恰当 恰當 qia4dang4 felicitous adjective
1429 恰到好处 恰到好處 qia4dao4hao3chu4 just right other
1430 恰巧 恰巧 qia4qiao3 by coincidence adverb
1431 洽谈 洽談 qia4tan2 to discuss verb
1432 牵扯 牽扯 qian1che3 to drag in verb
1433 签订 簽訂 qian1ding4 to sign verb
1434 千方百计 千方百計 qian1fang1bai3ji4 leave no stone unturned adverb
1435 迁就 遷就 qian1jiu4 to indulge verb
1436 签署 簽署 qian1shu3 to affix to verb
1437 迁徙 遷徙 qian1xi3 to migrate verb
1438 谦逊 謙遜 qian1xun4 modest adjective
1439 牵制 牽制 qian1zhi4 to tie up verb
1440 前景 前景 qian2jing3 foreground noun
1441 潜力 潛力 qian2li4 potential noun
1442 潜水 潛水 qian2shui3 to dive verb
1443 前提 前提 qian2ti2 premise noun
1444 潜移默化 潛移默化 qian2yi2mo4hua4 imperceptible adjective
1445 谴责 譴責 qian3ze2 accusal noun
1446 强迫 強迫 qiang2po4 to compel verb
1447 抢劫 搶劫 qiang3jie2 to dacoity verb
1448 抢救 搶救 qiang3jiu4 to salvage verb
1449 桥梁 橋樑 qiao2liang2 bridge noun
1450 qiao4 to raise verb
1451 锲而不舍 鍥而不捨 qie4er2bu4she3 to perseverance verb
1452 切实 切實 qie4shi2 practical adjective
1453 侵犯 侵犯 qin1fan4 to infringe verb
1454 钦佩 欽佩 qin1pei4 to admire verb
1455 亲热 親熱 qin1re4 intimate adjective
1456 亲身 親身 qin1shen1 personally adverb
1457 勤俭 勤儉 qin2jian3 thrift noun
1458 勤恳 勤懇 qin2ken3 diligent adjective
1459 qing1 hydrogen noun
1460 清澈 清澈 qing1che4 limpidity adjective
1461 清晨 清晨 qing1chen2 morning noun
1462 清除 清除 qing1chu2 to clean out verb
1463 轻而易举 輕而易舉 qing1er2yi4ju3 with no difficulty adverb
1464 清洁 清潔 qing1jie2 clean adjective
1465 清理 清理 qing1li3 to clean up verb
1466 倾听 傾聽 qing1ting1 to give audience to verb
1467 清晰 清晰 qing1xi1 in focus adverb
1468 倾向 傾向 qing1xiang4 tendency noun
1469 倾斜 傾斜 qing1xie1 to lean verb
1470 清真 清真 qing1zhen1 muslim adjective
1471 情报 情報 qing2bao4 witting noun
1472 情节 情節 qing2jie2 polt noun
1473 晴朗 晴朗 qing2lang3 sunny adjective
1474 情理 情理 qing2li3 sense noun
1475 情形 情形 qing2xing2 condition noun
1476 请柬 請柬 qing3jian3 invitation noun
1477 请教 請教 qing3jiao4 to consult verb
1478 请示 請示 qing3shi4 to ask for instructions verb
1479 请帖 請帖 qing3tie3 invitation card noun
1480 丘陵 丘陵 qiu1ling2 hill noun
1481 区分 區分 qu1fen1 to distinguish verb
1482 屈服 屈服 qu1fu2 to give in verb
1483 区域 區域 qu1yu4 area noun
1484 驱逐 驅逐 qu1zhu2 abjection noun
1485 管道 管道 guan3dao4 channel noun
1486 取缔 取締 qu3di4 to ban verb
1487 曲子 曲子 qu3zi5 melody noun
1488 趣味 趣味 qu4wei4 interest noun
1489 全局 全域 quan2ju2 overall situation noun
1490 圈套 圈套 quan1tao4 snare noun
1491 权衡 權衡 quan2heng2 to balance verb
1492 全力以赴 全力以赴 quan2li4yi3fu4 to do one's level best verb
1493 拳头 拳頭 quan2tou5 fist noun
1494 权威 權威 quan2wei1 authority noun
1495 权益 權益 quan2yi4 rights and interests noun
1496 quan3 canine noun
1497 缺口 缺口 que1kou3 gap noun
1498 缺席 缺席 que1xi2 absence noun
1499 缺陷 缺陷 que1xian4 disfigurement noun
1500 que2 lame adjective
1501 确保 確保 que4bao3 to insure verb
1502 确立 確立 que4li4 to establish verb
1503 确切 確切 que4qie4 exact adjective
1504 确信 確信 que4xin4 to assure verb
1505 群众 群眾 qun2zhong4 the masses noun
1506 ran3 to dye verb
1507 让步 讓步 rang4bu4 to come to terms verb
1508 饶恕 饒恕 rao2shu4 to excuse verb
1509 扰乱 擾亂 rao3luan4 to disarrange verb
1510 惹祸 惹禍 re3huo4 to ask for trouble verb
1511 热泪盈眶 熱淚盈眶 re4lei4ying2kuang4 eyes filled with tears other
1512 热门 熱門 re4men2 popular adjective
1513 仁慈 仁慈 ren2ci2 beneficence noun
1514 人道 人道 ren2dao4 humanism noun
1515 人格 人格 ren2ge2 personality noun
1516 人工 人工 ren2gong1 man-made adjective
1517 人家 人家 ren2jia1 other people noun
1518 人间 人間 ren2jian1 world noun
1519 人士 人士 ren2shi4 personage noun
1520 人为 人為 ren2wei2 artificial adjective
1521 人性 人性 ren2xing4 human nature noun
1522 人质 人質 ren2zhi4 hostage noun
1523 忍耐 忍耐 ren3nai4 to keep one's temper verb
1524 忍受 忍受 ren3shou4 to abide verb
1525 认定 認定 ren4ding4 to firmly believe verb
1526 认可 認可 ren4ke3 to approbate verb
1527 任命 任命 ren4ming4 to appoint verb
1528 任性 任性 ren4xing4 freeness noun
1529 任意 任意 ren4yi4 discretionarily adverb
1530 任重道远 任重道遠 ren4zhong4dao4yuan3 long way to go other
1531 仍旧 仍舊 reng2jiu4 still adverb
1532 日新月异 日新月異 ri4xin1yue4yi4 with each passing day other
1533 日益 日益 ri4yi4 increasingly adverb
1534 溶解 溶解 rong2jie3 to melt verb
1535 容貌 容貌 rong2mao4 feature noun
1536 容纳 容納 rong2na4 to accommodate verb
1537 容器 容器 rong2qi4 vessel noun
1538 融洽 融洽 rong2qia4 harmonious adjective
1539 容忍 容忍 rong2ren3 to put up with verb
1540 rou2 to knead verb
1541 柔和 柔和 rou2he2 soft adjective
1542 弱点 弱點 ruo4dian4 chink noun
1543 若干 若干 ruo4gan1 some adjective
1544 撒谎 撒謊 sa1huang3 to lie verb
1545 sai1 cheek noun
1546 三角 三角 san1jiao3 triangle noun
1547 散文 散文 san3wen2 essay noun
1548 散步 散步 san4bu4 to go for a walk verb
1549 丧失 喪失 sang4shi1 to be bankrupt in verb
1550 嫂子 嫂子 sao3zi5 sister in law noun
1551 色彩 色彩 se4cai3 color noun
1552 sha2 what pronouns
1553 假使 假使 sha3shi3 to suppose verb
1554 筛选 篩選 shai1xuan1 to filter verb
1555 山脉 山脈 shan1mai4 cordillera noun
1556 闪烁 閃爍 shan3shuo4 to coruscate verb
1557 擅长 擅長 shan4chang2 to be accomplished in verb
1558 擅自 擅自 shan4zi4 to make bold to verb
1559 商标 商標 shang1biao1 brand noun
1560 伤脑筋 傷腦筋 shang1nao3jin1 bothersome adjective
1561 敞开 敞開 chang3kai1 to open wide verb
1562 上级 上級 shang4ji2 superior noun
1563 上进心 上進心 shang4jin4xin1 motivation noun
1564 上任 上任 shang4ren4 to take office verb
1565 上瘾 上癮 shang4yin3 to addict to verb
1566 上游 上游 shang4you2 upstream noun
1567 shao1 tip of branch noun
1568 shao1 to bring along verb
1569 shao4 whistle noun
1570 奢侈 奢侈 she1chi3 luxury adjective
1571 涉及 涉及 she4ji2 to deal with verb
1572 设立 設立 she4li4 to set up verb
1573 小区 社區 she4qu1 community noun
1574 摄取 攝取 she4qu3 to incept verb
1575 摄氏度 攝氏度 she4shi4du4 Celsius noun
1576 设想 設想 she4xiang3 to assume verb
1577 设置 設置 she4zhi4 to intercalate verb
1578 深奥 深奧 shen1ao4 abstruseness adjective
1579 申报 申報 shen1bao4 to declare verb
1580 深沉 深沉 shen1chen2 deep adjective
1581 深情厚谊 深情厚誼 shen1qing2hou4yi4 profound friendship noun
1582 绅士 紳士 shen1shi4 gentleman noun
1583 呻吟 呻吟 shen1yin2 to groan verb
1584 神奇 神奇 shen2qi2 miraculous adjective
1585 神气 神氣 shen2qi4 perky adjective
1586 神情 神情 shen2qing2 look noun
1587 神色 神色 shen2se4 expression noun
1588 神圣 神聖 shen2sheng4 holy adjective
1589 神态 神態 shen2tai4 mien noun
1590 神仙 神仙 shen2xian1 immortal noun
1591 审查 審查 shen3cha2 checkup noun
1592 审美 審美 shen3mei3 to taste verb
1593 审判 審判 shen3pan4 to put to trial verb
1594 渗透 滲透 shen4tou4 to infiltrate verb
1595 慎重 慎重 shen4zhong4 careful adjective
1596 牲畜 牲畜 sheng1chu4 livestock noun
1597 生存 生存 sheng1cun2 to exist verb
1598 生机 生機 sheng1ji1 vital force noun
1599 生理 生理 sheng1li3 physiological adjective
1600 声明 聲明 sheng1ming2 to assert verb