Skype Learn Chinese Course - New Concept Chinese -ebook

Skype Learn Chinese Course
New Concept Chinese

New Concept Chinese, a series of Chinese textbooks for adults, is suitable for both self-teaching and classroom teaching. Observing the principle of making Chinese easier to learn , this series presents practical, concise and interesting teaching materials and employs easy, flexible and effective teaching methods so that students and teachers could learn and teach Chinese in a convenient and effective way. The design of New Concept Chinese follows three principles, namely practical , easy and scientific .

Skype Learn Chinese Course - New Concept Chinese -ebook Contents

Skype Learn Chinese Course New Concept Chinese- 教学内容Teaching Contents


Skype Learn Chinese Course Unit 1

第一课 我的中文名字是罗乔丹My Chinese name is Luo QiaoDan

课文 Text

生词 New words

练习 Exercises

1.自我介绍 Self-Introducing

2.问姓氏  Asking family name

语音 Phonetics

区分B-P D-T  Tell  B from P


第二课 他是半个美国人 Hes half American

课文 Text

生词 New words

练习 Exercises

1.我是 I am    

2.这位是 this is

3.他也是...Is he(she) also

语音 Phonetics

区分B-P D-T  Tell  B from P


第三课 我的雨伞哪儿去了?Where is my umbrella

课文 Text

生词 New words

练习 Exercises

1.颜色 Colors    

2.找东西 Finding stuffs

3.翻译  Translate


第四课 你喜欢吃冰淇淋吗? Do you like to eat ice cream?

第五课 应该当你的姐姐I should be your elder sister


Skype Learn Chinese Course Unit 2

第六课 那你怎么教?How can you teach

第七课 这儿是日本餐馆This is Japanese restaurant

第八课 啊?在我家? HuhAt my house?

第九课 我也想知道I also wanna know

第十课 乔丹的朋友就是我的朋友 QiaoDans friends are my friends


Skype Learn Chinese Course Unit 3

第十一课 这么贵 So expensive?

第十二课 你真可怜 Youre so pahetic

第十三课 真拿你没办法What are we going to do with you?

第十四课 再要半条鱼吧I also want half a fish

第十五课 他说我太胖了 He said that im too fat


Skype Learn Chinese Course Unit 4

第十六课 这是最肥的 This is the fatest one

第十七课 祝你生日快乐 Happy birthday to you

第十八课 你们不想来尝尝吗? Do you want to come and try

第十九课 我最讨厌考试 I hate exam most

第二十课 这还近哪? Thats close


Skype Learn Chinese Course Unit 5

第二十一课 还是骑车去好 Its better to go by bycycle

第二十二课 不好吃也得吃啊 Even if its bad, you still have to eat

第二十三课 不好吃也得吃啊 Whoever cannot stinking bean curd is not Beijing ren

第二十四课 别太玩儿命Dont be so hard on yourself

第二十五课 我的运气怎么那么不好?I always have bad luck


Skype Learn Chinese Course Unit 6

第二十六课 今天晚上盖什么? What do i use to cover for this night

第二十七课 你饶了我吧Give me a break

第二十八课 现在转学来得及吗?Is it too late to transfer to another school

第二十九课 我到现在还没有女朋友I still havent got a girlfriend yet

第三十课 又是去吃麦当劳?Mcdonalds again?





