Chinese Skype Lessons' textbook- Langlang Chinese (Yes Chinese)

Chinese Skype Lessons
Langlang Chinese

Chinese Skype Lessons' textbook - Langlang Chinese Elementary is a series Chinese textbook specially designed for young Chinese language learners. Chinese Skype Lessons' textbook is developed jointly by Yes Chinese and Conscious Institute Headquarters in Beijing. Chinese Skype Lessons' textbook - Langlang Chinese is considered as the most intuitive Chinese courses available right now. The Chinese Skype Lessons' textbook is focused on daily language usage with heave emphasis with interactive activities. This is Volume 2, part A, the series includes 6 volumes in 12 sets (A and B) . Each set of Chinese Skype Lessons' textbook is come with two workbooks (red and blue). Students can purchase extra interactive online course, or CD-Rom to enhance the learning experiences with Chinese Skype Lessons' textbook.

朗朗中文是中外汉语言教育专家联合为海外少儿开发的中文教学体系。遵循国家汉办"新中小学生汉语等级考试(YCT)"和"中国汉语水平考试(HSK)"的考试大纲,并结合美国加州 "国际语言学习"目标,基于"以考促学,以考促教,考教结合"的原则编写,是海外少年儿童学中文、用中文和考中文的最佳课程。 《朗朗中文-小学系列》(第一册)分为1A和1B两套,每套包括1本课本+2本练习册。另有与课本完全配套的《识字卡》和课程CD-ROM,可单独选择购买。 《朗朗中文-小学系列》(第一册)共七个单元,其中1A三个单元,1B四个单元,每单元包括2个课文对话、2个课堂活动、2首儿歌及手工课和游戏等。通过本册可以学会新字词120个,学会常用中文句式30个,达到YCT一级水平。

Chinese Skype Lessons' textbook - LangLang Chinese 1 A Contents

Chinese Skype Lessons UNIT1 Say Hello and Introduce Yourself

Lesson 1 Hello

Lesson 2 What Is Your Name?


Chinese Skype Lessons UNIT 2 Chinese Numbers

Lesson3 How Old Are You?

Lesson4 Boys and Girls


Chinese Skype Lessons UNIT3 My Family

Lesson5 My Family

Lesson6 Brothers and Sisters




