Learn Chinese language via Skype--TCH Students 


Tips for Learning Chinese Language via Skype

Students'Tips for Learning Chinese Language via Skype

learn Chinese language via Skype

FOR THE BEGINNING STUDENT who learn Chinese Language via Skype, it is important to know that words have inherent functions such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs and their meanings are adjusted by changing them slightly to indicate singular or plural, tense or case, subject or object etc. ....... more

Instructors'Tips for Learning Chinese Language via Skype

learn Chinese language via Skype

Chinese is a monosyllabic language. Mandarin has four tones, and   ‘measure’ words which define a group of characteristics for one common use of words.When students first start to learn Chinese Language via Skype, we think it is important for them to have such basic concept about Chinese language. .......more

Learning Chinese Language via Skype     Exploring Chinese Culture

We are striving to provide Skype Chinese class, helping you working, living, and traveling in China. TCH will be a bridge for everyone to understand China, and a stop during your visit to China. We are working hard help you experiencing the authentic and live Chinese by taking Skype Chinese lessons, exploring the amazing ancient Chinese culture, or expanding your growing business in China. We are dedicated professionals to make a difference in your lives!

Learn Chinese language via Skype

Professor Tian's Class Tour in North America 2016--meeting Mulan in Seattle USA.Glad to see she is doing very well in her job in a hospital lab after taking Skype Chinese Class for a year.

Learn Chinese language via Skype

Professor Tian's Class Tour in North America 2016--meeting Xue Lian in LA, USA.Glad to see she can communicate with her students' parents in Chinese more fluently and efficiently after she learnt Chinese Language via Skype for a year and half.

Learn Chinese language via Skype

Professor Tian's Class Tour in North America 2016--meeting TCH most senior student James in SF, USA.He is sharing his book on learning Chinese Language via Skype .Awesome work!

Learn Chinese language via Skype

Professor Tian's Class Tour in North America--meeting Fu Yan and Fu Miao in Irvine , USA.So surprised to see they have grown so much in 4 years. We really had fun entirely in Chinese.

Learn Chinese language via Skype

Professor Tian's Class Tour in North America 2016--meeting Ai Lian in Monterey, USA.Glad to see she can communicate with her Buddhist team with more confidence and share her ideas in fluent and sufficient Chinese after only half of year of intensive Chinese Skype Lessons.

Learn Chinese language via Skype

Professor Tian's Class Tour in North America 2016--meeting Masa in San Diego, USA.First meeting Masa with his city after 3 meetings in China! He is a great learner! Impressed by his hard work every time we have Skype Chinese Class!

Learn Chinese language via Skype

Chinese Immersion 2016!After learning Chinese Language via Skype ,TCH students and instructors met off line in China! They had fun writing Chinese characters with a brush ...

learn Chinese language via Skype

Face -to face class with Scott after 8 years of learning Chinese Language via Skype in MN USA, 2015 summer. Amazing to see that he keeps his Chinese books in his car!

learn Chinese language via Skype

Professor Tian having Chinese Immersion with Liz in MN USA ,2015 summer.Online learning Chinese Language via Skype is part of the learning process, meeting in person is more important!

learn Chinese language via Skype

Professor Yang 's Demo of Taichi on Mississippi river deck.Learning Chinese Language via Skype accompanied with culture experience in person.

learn Chinese language via Skype

Face-to face class with Barry after 5 years of learning Chinese Language via Skype  in NYC, 2015 summer.Professor Tian meets TCH students every year in different parts of the world.

learn Chinese language via Skype

Training sessions on learning Chinese Skype, including open & demo classes, lectures, and discussions to improve TCH services, highly supported and appreciated by the teachers and students.

learn Chinese language via Skype

Professor Tian had dinner with TCH Skype Learn Chinese student- Birider(毕瑞德) in London while she was visiting the UK in July,2014.He was very happy and excited to see Professor Tian in person after learning Chinese language via Skype for a few years.He is very grateful for the Chinese help and business information from TCH.

TCH Skype Learn Chinese student--Tim had another face to face class with his teachers, who have already become his friends. "I am having such a good time , learning so much with you everytime I am here." He said.

learn Chinese language via Skype

Another dinner with TCH Skype Learn Chinese student- Jamie (阿澂), a top manager in Ernst & Young in London。She gave Professor Tian a tour around London experiencing the local customs and culture. Thank you for this face -to face class.

Early July in 2013, 马萨 from California USA visited TCH training center in Zhaoqing University and had face to face classes with his teacher -Lin Lao Shi.He came three times already and are planning more.He really enjoyed this combination of face-to face class and his Chinese Skype lessons.

learn Chinese language via Skype

Tim from Los Angeles, USA came to Zhaoqing for a second visit in Oct.2012. He would like to have a face-to face class with his tutor. He was practicing how to order food in a restaurant with his teacher, Huang Lao Shi with the phrases he learnt from his Skype Chinese Class. That was fun! " I can order in Chinese", he said with joy.

learn Chinese language via Skype

On August 25th. 2012, Adya from India took part in the YCT (Youth Chinese Test) in Thailand. He did a fantastic job. He got full score for the text. Vijay, Adya’s father said that he and his family were very happy because the his excellent performance on the test not only offered Adya a pleasant learning experience, but more important gave him confidence in his Chinese learning. He is working hard towards higher levels. Congratulations to Adya!!

learn Chinese language via Skype

Professor Tian is hosting Isadora from Luxembourg in July, 2012 after 3 years of study TCH Chinese online.法国的芳芳来到中国。她已在田字格学习了三年汉语,来到中国她非常高兴,因为终于见到她的老师,尤其是田教授。她打算在参加田教授的面授同时,体验中国文化,了解中国风土人情。学写汉字是她这次来田字格的主要任务。

learn Chinese language via Skype

In May. 2012, TCH student Tim from U.S.A came to Zhaoqing to see Prof. Tian while he was visiting Hong Kong. Prof.Tian gave him a tour of Zhaoqing University and TCH. He is learning Chinese with us in order to expand his business in China and Hong kong. Best wishes for his growing business!

learn Chinese language via Skype

Recently 艾瑞克 who has learn Chinese language via Skype came to visit professor Tian from US to give his gratitude for helping his career in China with TCH Chinese classes.

learn Chinese language via Skype

Face to face class with Professor Tian! Mark met his professor off line. 田教授要为每一位学生定制学习内容和教学方案,马克正在当面与田教授讨论他的学习方案。

learn Chinese language via Skype

A taste of Chinese with chopsticks ! 文化体验之旅,目的在于真切的感受异国的文化、习俗;从品尝正宗的中国菜,使用中式餐具开始。

learn Chinese language via Skype

Learning Chinese with Fun ! 以快活、轻松的方法教授鲜活、实用的语言是THC教学的理念。学生感受、体验着TCH教学方法的魅力, 享受着汉语学习的过程。


learn Chinese language via Skype

TCH students were invited to experience Beijing Olymics in 2008. Activities were arranged for them to have the opportunity to meet ordinary Chinese people, understanding the real China. 

learn Chinese language via Skype

TaiChi activities in local community to share different experiences on improving well-being and practice Chinese!  TCH根据学生的需要为他们安排的太极拳体验活动。让学生高兴的是,不仅所学的汉语得到了锻炼,并且能够深入中国社区,进行深度体验,而且掌握的东方的健身术太极拳。

Learn Chinese language via Skype

Barbara's Taichi experience with Professor Yang.一位来自德国的邮轮导游,想通过太极拳的练习学习汉语,体验中国文化,以至于拓展她的工作领域;为此,TCH专门为她安排了一太极教授训练太极拳技能、领略太极文化。这正是TCH教学的独特之一,根据学生的兴趣爱好来定制汉语教学。


